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Engineering Deliverables Management Software

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Pablo Jardiniano
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I need help if there is a software out in the market who could replace the tedious task of updating the Engineering Deliverables list in MS Excel.

The software should be able to compute Engineering progress based on the WV and % progress of each steps (i.e., IFA, IFC, etc).

Ideally, the software will be and EDMS with the added functionality of computing actual progress, and computing forecast data. It should have also a field for ACTIVITY ID to link with P6.

I have encountered "ProjectSpace" in 2 years ago, and serached the Internet who is providing this but without success.


Jaga deesan
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Hi All,

Engineering Deliverables movement and progress may be controlled using a software called 'WRENCH', which is being used in our projects.

To track and control Engineering Deliverables Progress, please may refer the following youtube link, which may be useful to you.

The above youtube link has excel templates as well.

Best regards,

R. Jagadeesan

Girish Bhave
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Dear All can anybody help me out with any macro developed in Excel or any software to record the Engineering deliverables progress.

As for the multiple revisions (Like. R0A, R0B, R0, R1), i am finding it difficult to maintain the huge no of deliverables. As i am working on the Nuclear Project the no. of deliverables are huge. But only good part is that we are using 3D modeling platform so no of iternations in the drawings are limited to 3 ot maximum 4. 

Please respond me back in case you have any solution for the same.




Tim Taylor
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I seem to be a little late on this post but you might be interested to view a short recording on Deliverables Management module of Enterprise Engineer from McLaren (my company).  The module is being used in a number of LNG Capital Projects and is avaiable on EMC Documentum, IBM FileNet P8 and as a stand alone application.

If you like any more any more information please feel free to contact me:-

Rafael Davila
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Se de Leon
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Try this
R. Catalan
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Hi Rafael,

I agree with you.

Best regards,

R. Catalan
Rafael Davila
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Seems like a misunderstanding regarding post #18

Quote…”If the Consultants has 14 days to approve a submittal, but after 20 days had passed they didn’t replied yet with their comments, I want Remaining Duration to show -6 days after running GC. But it is showing as 0 (zero)”.

After your clarification now I see you got it right and your formulas will prevent the need to continuously look for Excel.

Also keep in mind that if the schedule is resource loaded and some activities are driven by resource constraints and your software is not capable of showing resource critical float then float as shown might not be available. Some submittal review activities might be already critical but not shown as such.

Best regards,
R. Catalan
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Dear Rafael,

I have the support of the project team with their periodic progress updates, no doubt about it.

My schedule updates must represent as a single document to report current progress of the project. I dont want my team to go back to Excel sheets if they want to know submittal variances, and how long an Engineering submittals have been with the approving Consultants/Client.

In P6, I used Physical % Complete so that remaining duration will remain 14 days until the submittals is approved (Rem Dur = 0). We have also agreed on the % completion stage breakdown so that the % progress is self-explanatory and can interpret status of submittals/resubmittals/revisions. Then, I created a UDF "Rem Dur-Engg" and use GC to calculate negative variances in case review/approval is already beyong the 14 days.

With above info my Engg progress update can show columns, but not limited to:
- Delays (current vs planned)
- Slippage (current vs previous update)
- Elapsed time in (-) days (in case review/approval is beyond 14 days), by using UDF and GC features

Thanks Rafael and best regards,

R, Catalan

Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Pablo,

The updated summary until today for the Engineering Deliverables Management Software is:

1. PowerProject.
2. Contract Manager.
3. Inhouse developement (Excel or others)
4. ProLog
5. EMC documentum.
6. Intergraph AIM.

With kind regards,


Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Osama,

Primavera "Contract Manager" is the new version of Expedition. It has been superseded.

With kind regards,

Rafael Davila
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If your RD is changed to 0 then seems to me you are updating with progress as planned or using an expected finish date constraint or the like, this I consider wrong over 99.99%, if it happens is by casualty or maybe by error. Maybe he will deliver in 0 days, yes is possible, but less than 0.01% probablilty.

Why not to ask the designer to provide you with the update data? It is common on the weekly meeting to discuss and update the Submittal Log along with the Pending Issues and RFI logs. If he does not supply you with the updating data you have no other option than to make some assumptions and include in the narrative of your schedule update your comments.

My approach would be to leave RD (remaining duration) equal to OD (original duration) unless the information is provided. If the designer does not provide me with the data, then he is reporting no progress with the implications in planning this might have. I would include in a text field some comment like “Past Due by Designer” and of course in the narrative would include my comments highlighting if the review activities are not critical, near critical, critical or if the review overrun is a relevant disruption to my planning.

Because not all submittal reviews shall be allocated the same time I would create my formulas as to compute how much the overrun is as follows:
To date Overrun = Target (Baseline) Original Duration – Actual Duration
Projected Overrun = To-date Overrun + Remaining Duration
... of course with minor adjustments as to negative values and as to when to apply the formula because to date and projected overrun must be 0 for unstarted activities. Can be done with the "IF" conditional statement.

About Deliverables Management Software we find them redundant as we use Excel to share the data among the many players, we have no need for these.

There are many ways to skin a cat, you can even use variance reports to filter out you dunning report. I still would use your hands down approach using formulas.

Best regards,
R. Catalan
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Dear Vladimir,

It’s not that complicated.

I just created a User Define Field (Rem Dur-Engg) and use Global Change to calculate the info that I need which is to show negative variances when approvals go beyond 14 days.

Best regards,
R. Catalan
R. Catalan
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Dear mimoune,

Our DC just log the in/out of submittals using Excel.

We use P6 to track Engineering progress.

Best regards,
R. Catalan
mimoune djouallah
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hi catalan

"and personally I don’t need other software except Excel (status logs prepared by DC)",

may i ask ? your DC, what he use to track engineering progress ?

best regards
Dear R.Catalan,
The PM software shall show both remaining duration and current delays (variances) both in activity duration and in its planned dates. It is hard to believe that it is so complicated.
Best Regards,
R. Catalan
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Dear Vladimir,

I mean negative number.

If the Consultants has 14 days to approve a submittal, but after 20 days had passed they didn’t replied yet with their comments, I want Remaining Duration to show -6 days after running GC. But it is showing as 0 (zero).

Best regards,
R. Catalan
Hi R.Catalan,
I did not understand what do you mean by negative figure in your post. Please clarify.
In our practice Design activities are usually included in the construction schedule and are managed the same way as construction works.
Best Regards,
R. Catalan
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Dear Pablo,

I agree with Rafael, with every P6 update there is a risk of losing communication between softwares. I think the communication link between P6 and Primavera Contract Manager or Prolog Manager is the cost code (by CSI). If so, then you still have to assign cost codes to your activities.

P6 can track Engineering deliverables, and personally I don’t need other software except Excel (status logs prepared by DC) where i have to verify submittal status. I use physical percent complete and a UDF/Global Change for Rem Dur-Engg (for Engg Submittals). I dont utilize the default Rem Dur since it will not provide a negative figure once the review and approval is beyond the contractual duration (i.e., 14 days).

Best regards,

R. Catalan

Osama Warid
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greetings for all
What about expidition software isn’t suitable for the case of following all project Correspondence?
Rafael Davila
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An alternative to consider is ProLog – it has been on the market for decades it is not dependent upon other software. I would rule out of my consideration other software so dependant onto their other products such as Primavera/Oracle and Timberline among the many that trap you into specific applications.

If a field for ACTIVITY ID to link with P6 is a must have then you are stuck with Primavera Contract Manager, as with every P6 update there is a risk of losing communication between software. I had some experience with its predecessor Primavera Expedition and I considered it to be a toy.

A live link to P6 I consider kind of dangerous even if you decide to go with both. Too much risk of data entry errors, of GIGO, a software jockey or reading data from an incomplete update are among the many reasons I reject the idea. Better ask for responsible PM to provide the data on a weekly basis, he will have the support of his team and will verify the data that might change in between updates.

Never put all your eggs in one basket.

Best regards,
mimoune djouallah
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i suppose you are searching for document management system; in our company we use intergraph AIM, there is another well known product : EMC documentum.
and yes we update drawing forecast dates in P3 from AIM,

best regards
Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Pablo,

The selection of the best solution would be time and budget driven like the solution for other problems.

In house development would be the best solution if you had a big project running for few years. Buying off the shelve software for $3000-5000 is less expensive but will have its limitations.

So in summary, until now you received the following leads:

1. PowerProject Enterprise.
2. Contract Manager.
3. Inhouse development.

With kind regards,

Pablo Jardiniano
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About 10,000 deliverables
Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Pablo,

How big is your project? Duration and budget.

With kind regards,

Pablo Jardiniano
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Any other software aside from Primavera Contract you could recommend?
Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Pablo,

Contract Manager can do that for you. You will enter all the data you want and create the report that you want to monitor.

Since you are using P6 and Contract Manager is from Primavera, it will intergrate well with your setup.

With kind regards,

Pablo Jardiniano
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Dear Samer,

In our organisation, the Planner is monitoring each deliverable dates through MS Excel by getting each actual and forecast date from each Engineer. Each week these dates are consolidated together to compute the actual progress for Engineering and also plotting the forecast curve.

They end up updating the spreadsheet and P6. I would like to streamline the process. The actual and forecast dates should be inputted by the Designer/Engineer to this software I am looking for, and each week, the Planner get a weekly report (actual progress) from this software.
Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Pablo,

The Engineering Department must have a log of the following:

1. Issued For Construction Drawings.
Any Changes to the drawings should be issued in a revision and the engineering manager must inform the project manager with the changes. The project manager will determine the cost of change and bill the client (design cost).

2. Execution Drawings.
3. As Built Drawings.

The planner does not have to control these lists. The Document Control update the list. The planner monitor the dates for these lists and creates list for the variation (time and cost impact).

With kind regards,

Pablo Jardiniano
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Could you give me a website for this PowerProject Enterprise
Mike Testro
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Hi Pablo

PowerProject Enterprise can do that.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Pablo Jardiniano
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What i plan to do is basically have this software used by the Designer up to the Project Manager.

Lets say a Designer have a drawing to be issued for review, this software will automatically generate an email to his Engineer to perform the review, and after the review, The Engineer provide his comments to this software..and the cycle electronically documented till it reached the issue stage to be approved by the PM and processed for submission by Document Control.

Basically the objective is for the Planner focus more on analysing the Engineering Schedule rather than gather progress data and update the excel spreadsheet.
Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Pablo,

You can request a demostration copy of Primavera "Contract Manager" and check if it suite your needs. It does all the documentation control that you are describing.

With kind regards,
