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Objective feature list of available scheduling packages

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James Barnes
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I recall a while back that someone here was compiling a list of features and constraints of the mainstream available planning/scheduling packages. Was this ever completed and is it available?

I have a colleague in Germany who is entering discussions on what software to purchase and of course the accountants are saying MSP because it’s already in their MSO package. Packages I’m most interested in comparing MSP with P3.1 and P6 but maybe also less mainstream alternatives Spider, etc

ofc an unbiased and objective comparison would be best, as something sourced from one of the developers themselves could be immediately questioned and discredited.




Trevor Rabey
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James, I just read your line about trolling and I get it. You thought I was saying you were trying to start an argument here. Well, since there is a permanent argument here, it’s not necessary. No, I meant you would start an argument, probably a futile one, at your friends outfit.
Why does it have to be such a "rational", "objective" decision process? Will it produce a better result? The choice made doesn’t have to be final, there doesn’t have to be one winner and the others all losers. Buy everyone whatever software they want, and the cost would still be insignificant compared to the benefits provided they were used correctly.
Trevor Rabey
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James, that’s a lot of points, but regarding just one, the NASA white paper, it may surprise people to know that MSP is in use, that is proper use, at CERN, US DOE, JPL and others.
I will be very grateful if you will explain what is wrong in Spider presentation.

I would not recommend to use MS Project for 40K activities projects.

The project you described needs perfect resource management features and activity durations shall be measured in hours. Good resource levelling capabilities are necessary. And here such projects are executed in three shifts.

I do not call the requirements to the numbers as functional.

Best Regards,
James Barnes
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I was not trolling (although thanks for the accusation) if I was doing that I would have asked for opinions.

That said, having spent some of yesterday googling the subject, it does seem that when opinions are sought on the subject (especially P* v MSP) a fight usually ensues, mostly because MSP practitioners feel that P* practitioners dismiss their software as some sort of toy (which P* practitioners by and large, do) and very few paople seem to have extensive experience of both.

What I was after (and what I recall from a year or so back that someone was putting together on PP) was a list of objective comparisons along the lines of;

Max number of activities
Max number of links
Coding limits
Simultaneous user limits
WBS structure
Import/export capabilities and limits
Resouces. limit on numbers, depth of coding, possibility to integrate with SAP

with this, I could allow my colleague to match up his requirements and make a decision. In his case, although the accountants will always look for ways to save money, it is really a false economy. The refinery gets one TA every 5 years and this costs anything from 50-100M euros (excl lost opportunity). This money is spent over 5 years but executed on site with about 200-400k MH over a period of about 2 months. The plan is likely to consist of one activity per manshift (so 20k - 40k), will be scheduled to the hour and updated twice daily, at least that’s our situation. Spending 50 Euros or 20,000 euros on software will not affect that outcome on a budget level, only the performance (and utilisation) of the software will. It’s not something really where you start with one package then switch if hat turns out to be insufficient.

As for user competence, most schedulers in my end of the industry are self employed; put your requirements to a series of agents and wait for the CVs to come in. That said, the market has many more high level P3.1 practitioners than MSP or P6 ones from what I see, probably because of how long P3.1 and its predecessors have been about.

One of the things that yesterday’s googling has brought home is that, with most modern packages, there are no longer meaningful limits on coding, resources, activity numbers etc. I also found a NASA white paper (although I’ll have to go back and find the link now) which compared MSP favorably with Open Plan, P3e, SAP back in 2002. In the end (and I’ve only skimmed the highlights so far) they conclude that P3e pips MSP to the post but my pro Pv prejdice was surprised to see that they held MSP in very high regard indeed.

Now, I accept that different industries have different requirements, but this is why I sought an objective list of capabilities and limits rather than an opinion piece. On that subject, Vladimir, I agree that the posted comparison was very Pv fanboi in its leanings, but then the spider project presentation I saw on your site, which claimed no analogous examples with other software on subjects like coding and levelling was equally skewed if you don’t mind me saying so ;-)

so I come up with no clear answer for my colleague it seems that MSP has come on a long way and can manage much larger and more complex schedules than it could have many years ago. Perhaps the accountants are right afterall....
I agree.
About dark humour - at one of Russian Internet forums Primavera was called "MS Project on steroids" meaning that it is huge but basically does the same.
And we also meet the same question: if Spider Project is so good why it is cheaper than Primavera?

It is necessary to learn what and how you will use to make reasonable choice. And the price actually does not matter much because good PM system will save much more money than the cost of the software that supports this system.
PM System implementation costs much more than the software that will support it. It is necessary to invest in training and consulting, to create PMO, etc. PM System implementation is a serious project that usually lasts more than one year and it is naive to think that buying some PM software will solve somebody’s problems. And overall cost does not depend much on the software cost. Software selection is a small part of the PM implementation project but the software may become a constraint if the choice was made without understanding of its future use.

Best Regards,
Trevor Rabey
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whoops, double negative there.
I meant "If they have no people who can make any sense with MSP"
Trevor Rabey
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Vladimir, I am sure you know about Dilbert, and I am sure that in Russia they have a good sense of irony, plus plenty of dark humour about management, whether in the free market or centrally planned economy. Yes, stupidity is everywhere.
To match your case study, I have many examples of companies buying P* using the logic that since it costs a lot more it must be a lot better than (MSP or whatever), and anyway they have to stop the incessant badgering. If they have no people who can make no sense with MSP, do they suddenly start to make sense with P*? Or do they just get a more expensive scrambled mess?
Hi Trevor,
I agree and disagree with you.

Most "independent"comparisons that I have seen last years was of the same poor quality as the one that was mentioned.

It is necessary to create PM culture in the organization to use PM software properly. Without this culture no PM software will help.

But I want to tell the real life story.

Several years ago one Russian aircraft construction plant bought one professional license of Spider Project to try it for production planning.
The engineers that used it were happy and came to the plant General Manager with the proposal to implement the software at their plant.
General Manager replied that why pay money if we have free licenses of MS Project. And they started MS Project implementation.
Since MS Project did not have necessary functionality they created the department that developed multiple add-ons to make MS Project work for them.
After two years of the hard work they came again and told us that they improved MS Project functionality but when they started to use it for their real projects the package "died" because their models were too large for this software.
So "free" software costed them a lot of time and money.
We have a proverb: Stingy man pays twice.

Any software is good for certain applications. That is why I think that it is reasonable to start with designing PM system that will be implemented and creating the requirements to the software that will support this system.
These requirements shall be used in the selection process.
Some companies will be happy with MS Project features, others will need P6, or Spider Project, or something else. But the choice will be justified and the chances for successful implementation will become much higher.

Best Regards,
Trevor Rabey
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What’s the point of the comparison? Isn’t it just a way to generate a lot of uninformed hot air and start a nonsense argument?
The choice of software is an irrelevant issue if no one knows how to use any of them, due probability to a lack of understanding about basic planning concepts and principles. Why not start with MSP, which they’ve got or can get free, and see if anyone knows what they are doing with it? And continue the discussion about comparisons while this is going on.

BTW, that review/comparison is a load of rubbish. Who says MSP can’t level across multiple projects?
Rafael Davila
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Ask them to compare by themselves the various software, to get demo versions of the software to be considered and run several test jobs on all of them.

No doubt Spider Project will stand out as easy to use among the high end products but in adittion with the correct resource leveling algorithms. If you plan for resources then Spider Project is the best available solution, if you do low level planning and do not plan for resources then go for the cheapest.

I myself could not believe that Primavera resource leveling was a substandard algorithm, I thought it was looking for the optimal solution within your resource limits but it only gives you a far from optimum solution. The best way to prove it is through a resource leveling job and comparing results yourself, I got a 21% time difference between a Primavera SureTrak run and Spider Project for a simple 10 activities job. The decision is too important to leave it to luck.

Best regards,
Hi Raviraj,
I looked at this comparison and am disappointed.
Actually only one functional feature was discussed - that P6 can level resources across multiple projects and MS Project lacks this feaure.
Everything else is about entering and viewing data, security, etc.
If the levelling is poor then an ability to produce bad resource constrained schedules across multiple projects does not add value. If one cannot model real situations and get required reports it does not matter if the tool has the links with Oracle.
I still think that the useful comparative analysis discusses functional features first and only then will address data organization, security and other support features.
If the software does not produce good schedules that can be used to manage resources and save money everything else is useless.
Best Regards,
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here’s some very basic stuff for MSP Vs Primavera

I agree that it would be an interesting comparison but still the functionality that is necessary in construction may be useless for software developers.
Any comparison makes sense with understanding of the real requirements. So the choice may be industry and organization specific.

in Russia organizations that use P3 or P6 are happy to find good planners that previously worked with Spider Project and vice versa. It is not hard to learn new software if you have good understanding and experience of project planning. Good and experienced project planner is much more attractive than good software user.
But availability of export/import capabilities to other softwares is really Plus.
I strongly agree with Speak to existing customers and would add Check support.
Comparative study that you mentioned is really very interesting. Let me know if you will find it.

Best Regards,
James Barnes
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Vladimir, thanks for the reply

indeed we use P3.1 where I am.

about the accountants, I meant that they support MSP because they already have the licenses so need not pay for anything new. It has nothing to do with understanding he capabilities and constraints of MSP v another package, thus my colleague needs to justify his proposal (and indeed make his mind up what to propose). Plus it would be an interesting comparison to have as I am constantly badgered by "what’s wrong with MSP" and frankly I can’t answer them as I don’t use it.

/edit; dieter, we crossed posts I think :-) Ta for the reply, Talking to existing clients (or indeed users) is the reason for this post. I’d sooner hear from planners than developers (no offence to vladimir). I just recall about a year ago that someone here was compiling a list and wondered if it ever got completed. If you know of a study (you mention one by a german university) then it would be great to have a link to it.
Dieter Wambach
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In addition to Vladimir some more criteria:

- Speak to existing customers.
- How much extra programming required? --> what will happen after the next change of release?
- In our industry we need to work with contractors: Availabitlity of planners who are experienced in this software
- In Germany there is a saying "Was nichts kost’, ist auch nichts" (What costs nothing, its worth is nothing).
- Hidden costs: Required servers, required add-ons to the operating system,...

Good luck!


As far as I remember 2 or 3 years ago there was a comparison made by a German university. Maybe I’ll find it.


Hi James,

the software shall be selected basing on real needs of the buyer. We always recommend to create a list of functional features that are necessary for the organization needs.
Some of them may be Must, others - Nice to have.
And compare the softwares not by the list of all possible functions but by the features that are needed.

It is also useful to ask if the software vendors can suggest something useful for you if you missed some functionality in your list. They shall understand your real needs by the functions that you selected as necessary.

But don’t mix the requirements to the user interface and software functionality. If the software lacks necessary functionality it became a constraint for your project management system. Good user interface is nice to have but many people still use P3 despite its old interface because they like its functionality.

I agree that the analysis produced by software vendors shall be immediately questioned. But I did not see good comparative analysis of PM software since early 90-s. If you will find something let me know.

So my proposal is to create a list of questions - if and how the software does what you need and if software vendors or users can suggest to you something that you may need but did not ask. If you will put this list here you may get necessary information. Another option - to send the list to representatives of the software developers that you know or may learn discussing here.

I don’t agree that MSP may be interesting for accountants. In my country they need to analyze project cost components and cost centers, payments are made for work quantities and not for hours, etc. The accountants shall also suggest their requirements as all other software users.

The question about the differences between Spider Project and other PM software is usual (FAQ) and we prepared a table comparing different functional features of known packages but it is natural that people will think that it is not objective.

Best Regards,

James Barnes
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trevor. re trolling; fair enough and in that you were certainly right from what I see; asking the MSP v P3 question is akin to asking "steel v aluminium bike frames, which is best?" on a moutainbike forum. As for the rationality of the decision I am not trying to make the decision for them, only provide some data to help them on their way. In this, I realise how little I know about MSP, a package that i am beginning to think maybe misjudged. ike I said though, there’s a lot at stake in making the "right" decision in their case, once made you on’t be able to change it until the next TA, 5 years away.

Vladimir; in the file spp.ppt linked on this page it states that the following planning features have "no analogues in other PM software"

<*>Cost, Resource and Material Centers
<*>Project Archives
<*>Simulation of Income, Production and Supplies
<*>Simulation of Resource Production
<*>Independent Resource Teams
<*>Shift Work Simulation
<*>Work Volumes and Resource Productivity
<*>Norms and Standards
<*>Advanced Skill Scheduling
<*>Resource Constrained Schedule Optimization
<*>Risk Analysis
<*>Success Probability Analysis
<*>Earned Value Analysis
<*>Trend Analysis
<*>Project Performance Measurement
<*>Typical Fragnets
<*>Group Work in Spider Project
<*>Volume lags
<*>Assignment Cost
<*>Material assignments
<*>Schedule stability
<*>Partial Resource Assignments

now, while I accept that some of these maybe unique to spider project (while I generally dislike lags, I rather like the idea of volume lags) it must be a stretch to claim all of them, especially fragnets which, as far as I know is a term invented by Primavera (or if they didn’t invent it then they’ve certainly been using it for a long time, perhaps they stole it from Spider Project...?) or indeed risk analysis, which is a well established area of the market. perhaps there’s another comparison on your site (you mentioned there was one so I went looking) if so I’d be interested to see a link.
Hi James,
thank you for clarification.

In Spider Project we create a library of typical project fragments, resource and cost loaded and created for some predefined volumes (amount) of work.

When you created WBS for your new project you can look at this library and select the fragment that describes the technology that you use in the certain work package of your project. Then you may select an option Update phase by project, enter the real amount of the work in your work package, and Spider Project will include the selected fragment in your project adjusting activity volumes, durations, material requiremets, and costs.
If you have well developed typical fragments library creating new project model means creating WBS or using WBS template, and replacing WBS work packages by the typical fragments with automatic adjustments of volumes of work, material requirements, costs, resources, etc.
You will need to link the fragments with each other but some of our customers automated this also.

An example: the fragment may describe the construction of 1km of the pipeline in certain conditions.
You have the same conditions but 2.7km at your work package.
So you suggest the software to multiply activity volumes by 2.7 and everything else will be done by the package.
This is what using the Library of Typical Fragments means. I did not see the same feature in other software.

Risk analysis is included in Spider Project. Most packages use different add-ons. And approaches to risk analysis are very different from the approaches that are used in other software. And the first phrase on the page "Spider Project employs unusual methods of risk analysis" explains what is unique.

So not the headers are unique but the methods described under these headers.

Of course in other packages you can assign resources part time. But you can assign overall quantity (percent) and it will not be clear if you assigned 2 resource units with 50% workload, or one resource unit with 100% workload, or 4 resource units with 25% workload.
In Spider Project you define both quantity and workload and thus will get proper resource analysis results and reports.

So the headers in the presentation describe the themes, the content may be unique.

Best Regards,