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Objectives & Development Plan for a Planner/Scheduler

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Raul Santos
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I have started a new job and I have been requested to prepare a proposal of Objectives and Development Plan for 2010.

On my first weeks I have realized that good practices in planning and scheduling have not been followed to develop current schedules; they have been presenting the updated schedule only on a monthly basis. No schedule analysis, no critical path analysis, no variance analysis, no earned value analysis, no change management, nothing. I have been told that none of those reports were being presented because the Client did not request them but the updated schedule. There are procedures in the company that states that baseline schedules, S-Curves, resource loading, critical path analysis, etc, should be develop; the only thing is that they have not been followed (maybe because, as I was told, the Client did not request them). There was a guy acting as a Planner but he was relocated to another office.

I would like to ask the experienced guys, what would you put as Objectives and what would you put in your Development Plan? (example of Objective is “Implement a sales reporting for the product XYZ”; example of Development Plan is “I would need local language lessons in order to improve my oral presentations with local people (in case of an international assignment”). Both Objectives and Development Plan have to have target dates to be accomplished.


Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Raul,

The essence of business is to deliver what you are paid for. The requirement of the Client is established in their Conditions of Contract.

The deliverables for the Client must be establised at the start of the Project. Usually, in subsequent special planning meeting after the kick off meeting, these requirements are written down and agreed upon, if they are not part of the Contract Documents.

Open discuss of the project and what can happen on it and the best way to monitor and control it will yield the reporting required on weekly, monthly and quarterly basis.

With kind regards,
