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Cold Room & Refrigeration Systems

11 replies [Last post]
Sudharma C.
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Hi there
I am currently involed in the construction planning for a cold room & refrigeration systems.

i am aware of the required interfaces and the natural sequence of works for the construction of a cold room.

however i am not sure of the duration of the activities.

would welcome and appreciate any advice on these from anyone who has experience or comments on this.



Sudharma C.
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Hi Mike
at the moment we are going through a retendering exercise for these works.

i am preparing an interface schedule to let the tenderers know locations of their works, when they can tentatively come in, when they need to finish to allow the other contractor to commence their work, etc....

hence i need to be reasonable and fair with the durations and estimations that i make as to when this particular tenderer can come in and do their work.

the easiest way to do this is to give them a start milestone as to when they will start and a finish milestone as to when they should finished.

the main problem by doing the above, is the tenderer will not be able to identify the various/numerous interfaces they will have with the other subcontract works.

hope the above helps in explaining why and what i am doing.
thanks for the various feedbacks.

Mike Testro
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Hi Sudharma

You say that there are a large number of store rooms in the catering facility and still the specialist contractor will not tell how long it will take fior them to install!

Are they not contractually obliged to reveal their programme.

If work has not yet started then make a condition in the tender and / or part of the prequalification document.

If they do not tell you how long it will take then they are off the bid list.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Mike Testro
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Hi Se

Please assist me - I do not understand the phrase "Pull-down of slab"

Pull-down of slab will take around 4-5 days after 28 day curing of the slab. make sure the required dehumidifiers are already working before you pull down the slab.

Can you explain further?

Best regards

Mike Testro
Sudharma C.
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Thanks for the advice

There are quite a number of cold rooms for this catering facility, the largest one the size is 33 meters in length while the width is about 11 meters.

At the moment the interfaces or sequence of works i had worked out is as follows:
1. Structural setdown
2. Refrigeration piping
3. Floor insulation installation
4. Cold rooms (walls & ceiling)
5. Backfilling concrete
6. Slotted drain positions
7. Internal screeding
8. Epoxy floor painting
9. 1st fix electricals
10. 1st fix fire fighting systems
11. 2nd fix electricals
12. 2nd fix fire fighting systems
13. Cooling coils unit installation
14. Condensation piping installation
15. Cold room door installation
16. Bumper installation inside & outside cold room (for protection of the cold room wall panels)

There are also interfaces with the other systems which are done by other contractors.

Se de Leon
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Just to give you an idea, to construct a cold slab with an area of 85’x100’, it would take around 5-6 weeks from slab preparation to pouring.

Installation of Freezer Panels, around 75LM per day is conservative.

Pull-down of slab will take around 4-5 days after 28 day curing of the slab. make sure the required dehumidifiers are already working before you pull down the slab.

I hope this helps.
Shah. HB
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Hi to all
@Sudharma C
you could post the activity with quantities then duration could be determined through the discussion in this forum
Mike Testro
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Hi Anoon

You will also need underslab heating to stop frost driven ground heave but Sudharma says he knows all about the interfaces - he just wants to know how long it will take to put the store up.

A good starting point might be if we knew:

1. Is it inside another structure - if so is there access for trucks?
2. How big is it.
3. Is there only one of them.

You are right it will not take long to throw up the insulation panels once the structural frame and windposts are in place.

Its the cooling kit that will take time to install - is this fan driven or water chilled?

Best regards

Mike Testro
Anoon Iimos
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here’s some hint:

1. foundations will take time - the base of your cold storage room has some pipings for drainage.

2. piping works and the machine room

3. Insulated panels are easy to install (you might be surprised in 3 days your storage is closed)

4. if your storage has concrete flooring (then you need time to properly cure the concrete before you can apply the lining - lining takes time as well).

Mike Testro
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Hi Sudharma

If they are your sub-contractor or prospective sub-contractor it is proper that they should tell you the durations of their work for incorporation in the main programme.

Insist that they give you the information.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Sudharma C.
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thanks for the input.

Since it is a ’specialist’ work, they are reluctant to divulge the information.

what i am trying to establish is the reasonable durations it would take to do the works, so that when i assess the program submission, i would be able to tell whether they r being resoanable or ridiculous with their durations.

Mike Testro
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Hi Sudharma

Ask your specialist supplier.

Best regards

Mike Testro