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Re-baselining in NEC Option C Target Cost Schedule

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Shahzad Sikandar
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do i need to get client’s Permission if i wanted to re-baseline my schedule?

we have got target cost contract (NEC Option C), With gain share element as well.

please advice

many thanks

S. Sikandar


muhammad anwar
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In NEC the concept of baseline is different than in ICE 5 or 6. The baseline is what is accepted. If you revise your programme 4 weekly or with each application of payment, then that is your baseline for the next revision. If client is close monitoring your programme they should ask you for changes to the programme which no doubt you have the right to revise without having impact on key dates or any other constraint imposed through contract data part 2.
What is accepted is your current programme and baseline.
As software give facility for baselining two or three dates. and also you can import for baseline as well.
Hope this will help.

Shahzad Sikandar
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i am baselining because beselines bars are very far off with current bars, its all over the place.

Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 42 weeks ago. Offline
most software will let you have multiple baselines, so no problem in taking a 2nd baseline for internal use only.
-Though if you do this, it is important you & the project team understand the reasons why actual progress is so different to original plan, and the implications to the project.
-Was it an unrealistic plan to start with? Does the project team refer to the schedule on a regular basis? Resource issues? Force Majeur? Changes to scope? External factors? etc.
-Will you miss key milestones? Are other firms or projects impacted by changes to your schedule? will you have to throw more resources at the project to recover delay? Are any permits time-constrained? What will be done differently this time to ensure the new baseline is adhered to? etc

You can’t however use the new baseline to measure your progress against in client reports, and certainly not for any contractual purposes, without first getting client approval.

Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 42 weeks ago. Offline
are you baselining because of a new instruction, or for some other reason?