Hi folks,
first time on this forum and need to discuss some of my concerns.
1 - First thing is, when the Consultant should allow Contractor to re-baseline the Contract programme. My understanding is; only when there is an approved EOT claim which changes atleast one of contract milestone date. Merely, to accept a revised baseline for the reason that Contractor had a delay (no EOT approved so far, means by default assumption is; delay is attributed to Contractor) or Contractor had a major change in work sequence; should not be a valid reason to accept the revised schedule as a re-baseline. When we allow Contractor a rebaseline means we legalize the current delay of Contractor and theoretically agreed on a revised S Curve as a new bench mark to measure the performance. This could have some Contractual consequences such as; the revised baseline if used for time inpact analysis shall give favor to Contractor as the float is lessened than the original baseine. Secondly, it reduced the power of Consultant and Owner to terminate the Contract or give warnings on the delay of Contractor as the revised baseline will show no current delay (Actual = Planed).
In my thoughts, if Contractor has a revised plan (say he changes the sequence of works)or he is delayed, he can make changes in his current plan but still Consultant will use original baseline to measure his performance rather than to accept his revised plan as a revised baseline. Please hare your thoughts.
2 - Secondly,for time impact analysis, some people use the baseline (non updated; data date equal to project start date) and incorporate the event (by dummy activity, revising durations, amending logic, imposing constraints, using suspensions or what ever case) and run the programme to see the impact.
Some people use the updated baseline (by auto update function and with data date equals to event date) to see the impact.
and some use the updated baseline (as of actual site data with data date equals to event date) too determine the impact.
My understanding is; the 2nd option is the best as it suppose float available in the programme belongs to none of party and for the sole benefits of project. please share your thoughts.