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Importing Activity Codes

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Ken Barrett
User offline. Last seen 13 years 32 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 14 May 2007
Posts: 37
Is it possible to populate a global activity code library by importing from a spreadsheet. I have about 800 notification numbers to manually type into the global activity code library, and each has a description of a work order number... at the rate im going its going to take me days, and manual input of 7 diget numbers is screaming for errors. I have everything on a spreadsheet and if i could just import it it would save me pain-staking hours. Thanks in advance



Andrew Dick
User offline. Last seen 8 years 51 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 14 Feb 2007
Posts: 295
Lets first of all presume that your using P5.
That being the case if you create the headers for your codes in a project and then export this to excel, ensuring you select all of the appropriate fields/columns.
You should then be able to populate the excel sheet with a sufficient amount of activities and code them with your codes, and re-import that data.

Also if you are using P5 had you thought about keeping the code at an EPS level instead of a global level - just may save on some clutter for your other users??

Hope this helps