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P3: Activity Codes & Activity IDs

3 replies [Last post]
Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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Could someone clarify? the significance between the usage of Activity Codes and Activity Ids in the Activity Codes Dictionary in Primavera Project Planner Schedule.

I understand that of defining activity IDs in the codes dictionary would be easy to reduce our work load to certain extent.

for Example defining these items in the activity codes dictionary,
SUBP - as SubProject
PC - as Price Centre or Cost Code

In the "Values" dialogue box, we can define
RP- Rail Project (as sub package)and
01 as cost code for design works etc....
02 as cost code for construction of foundation works etc

hence in the activity ID area we can start the ids with RP01... for relevant activities.

hence it would save our time of assigning activity codes for each activities(if it belongs to the same group for example), hence we can straightaway organise the activities
in the organisation area.

but i would like to explore other benefits than the one which i have mentioned above. so please mention other benefits if any on the above subject.


Morteza Jafari
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I can add more comments, activity code and activity ID have usage differents in project, activity ID as its titled says to define numberic coding of activities it meanes you can identify activities from ID or description, almost all report of P3 is being done based on ID, therfore it is more usefull if you classify and identify activitie with coding of ID.
activity code is for classification your task based on WBS or OBS or CBS, it is very useful to categorize activities based on these factors.
Mehdi Rashidi Ala...
User offline. Last seen 15 weeks 3 days ago. Offline
I think system coding is a basic for total project management ( special Cost management). In the fact the codes created a relationship between main project management and subsystem of PM.


Soheil Jafari
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for 1st reason, we can use these codes for Creation Summarization Project .