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The different between actual manhour and earned manhour

7 replies [Last post]
bo xiang
User offline. Last seen 13 years 44 weeks ago. Offline
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Dear All:
Could you explanin the different between actual manhour and earned manhour.For my opinion,I think they are the same value.
Give me your comments please.


Mahesh Muraleedharan
User offline. Last seen 8 years 27 weeks ago. Offline

Hi just wondering if we cant find out the current % progress or some alternative scale is used how do we find out the earned manhour

Tarek Barham
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According to the common planning Practice, Earned Manhours = Actual Progress % " Monthly or Weekly " X Planned Manhours for the same scale and same period. 


It is an indication, how much you must spend from your budgeted Mhrs at that achived Actual progress.


bo xiang
User offline. Last seen 13 years 44 weeks ago. Offline
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Now it’s clear to me for these two velues, thanks again.I will consult to you if there is any question, please kindly assist me .
Ife Olyke
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In simple terms;

The earned manhour is the project original estimate. The actual manhour is the final cost of the project. Again, refer to the "tea cup" example: if the two men expend 350 to wash the tea cup and report 100%, then, the total project cost is 350 hours, while the original estimate for the project is 100 hours. I hope this makes sense.


bo xiang
User offline. Last seen 13 years 44 weeks ago. Offline
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Thanks for your excellent example, which make the difference very clearly.Also Could I consider that the actual manhour is to the project duration while the earned manhour is to Project cost,is this right?
Shahzad Munawar
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Good and simple way to differentiate between actual estimated man-hours
Ife Olyke
User offline. Last seen 10 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Bo,

Consider this scenario:

You have estimated that washing a tea cup will take 10 hours. You have two men to wash the tea cup. They finish their shift and report 10% progress after booking 2 hours for the job.

2 hours is the actual hours, 1 hour (10% of 10 hours) is the earned manhour. I hope this helps.
