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What is the difference between Planning and Schedu

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Cyril Armentia
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Hello Everybody,

I would to know your opinion on the above subject "What is the difference between "planning" and "scheduling" in terms of its scope and application.


Tomasz Wiatr
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Hello Ciril - starter of discussion in this canon problem. I was interested in this problem in my constant reading of english language books, paper, materials etc. Subject is nice for me :-) I would like to suggest most simple differentation of words scheduling and planning. Every scheduling is planning (not inversely) but we know (of course) planners with competences to use other planning techniques than schedules (he understands of course methods of scheduling). So every planner want to know something about scheduling, meybe all :-)

Scheduling it is detail and complex job, because every solid schedule contains resources and costs, not only dates (not only)! Planner have other competences than only scheduling, because he must to define goals of plan etc - not only use the technique CPM or simmilar! Planning is more general job than scheduling - not same, not other only more general!

So scheduler it is planner which is concentrated on preparing the schedules only. It is probably most primitive explanation :-) in contrary to official definitions which are normative wants to clearing up the functions in the industry (meybe despite of words meanings...). My explanation is related with this universal, general meaning but we have definitions of course (AACE is very good example).

Good luck!
Tomasz Wiatr
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Joanne Foster
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IMHO...the easiest way to differentiate between "scheduling" vs "planning" is as follows:-

scheduling tells you WHEN and in what sequence you will perform the work

planning tells you HOW you will execute the work through management plans

that’s my 2 cents
Razi Khan
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I totally agree with Jaco.

I also went through the mentioned paper and felt that it was just an unnecessary classification and its justification.

Jaco Stadler
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As I have mentioned it is the view of one person.

If you ask the same Qeeustion to the Planet Planning you will get verious views.

Reading the Paper My First Comment is.

The paper is Comparing Schedulers and Planners.

My view on this is if your job description as a planner includes scheduling activity’s this does not make you a scheduler you stay a planner. And if your Duties as a scheduler includes planning duties this does not make you a Planner you stay a scheduler.

In short depended on your Job Description that is what you do it does not change your Title.

I would rather suggest looking at the Planning & Scheduling variances. (Please note this is activities)

Looking at AACE definition:

Planning - The determination of a project objectives with Identification of the activity’s to be performed, methods and resources to be used for accomplishing the task, assignment of responsibility and accountability and establishment of an interated plan to achieve completion as required.
Plan - A predetermined course of action over a specified period of time which represent a projected response to an anticipated enviroment in order to accomplish a specific set of adaptive objectives.
Schedule - the plan for completion of project based on logical arrangement of activities, resources available, imposed dates or funding budget.
Scheduling - The assignment of desired start and finish time to each activity in the project within the overall time cycle required for completion according to plan.

Also as you can see a schedule is a tool to be used for the plan.

After reading the paper I would call a Junior Planner a Scheduler. I am wondering if a Planner and a Scheduler is not the same. (They must be if their Job descriptions are the same)

Bernard Ertl
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Jaco, I have not read the referenced paper yet, but it sounds like you disagree with it to some degree? Perhaps you would care to discuss the issue(s)?

Bernard Ertl
InterPlan Systems - eTaskMaker Project Planning Software
Jaco Stadler
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Don’t believe everything you read it is the view of one person Only.
Cyril Armentia
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I will visit the site.

Thank you
Gary France
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Regarding your question about what is the difference between planning and scheduling, Peter Oakander has recently written a paper on this very subject. It can be found on the Planning Engineers Organisation website at

Happy reading.

Gary France
The Planning Engineers Organisation
Cyril Armentia
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Hi Raj,

Thank you very much for your comment.

Raj Maurya
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Hi! Cyril
I think every Company has its own standard system in research project like exploration of oil & gas to quantify the duration of project with its development phases with risk and uncertainities. More ever it is based on data gathering and analysis of data. Here you can’t define exact Man hour requirement but can identify like 1 or 2 RE, 1 PG etc will work till the project up to when. Economics is just (+-)40% at this level.
Cyril Armentia
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Thank You Raj

I got your point. Another application I would like to know is in the case of Research or Oil Exploration in which there is no idea when the expected result can be reach. The plan and concept is there but how is the scheduling application or process on this case?
Raj Maurya
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Basic definition of Scheduling is nothing but Planning with resources & Time allocation. And Planning is to identify the work to be performed to achieve the Goal.
But if you are thinking about its application as a planner generally both comes together.