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new housing UK rules of thumb

5 replies [Last post]
Geraint Roberts
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I am looking at ahousing development in Scotland which has about 60 houses on the site.

I expect one to take 18-20 weeks to construct, does anyone have a general rule for how the programme can roll from the first house, is it 1 per week after that or 2 per week or is this too quick,

would appreciate any guidance.



Mark Chapman
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My guess is that you will be resource constrained. possibly materials but most likely skilled resources. Say an electrician(s) needs 4 weeks in one house, you only going to be compete a house every other week if you have 2 group of electricians.

So you need to create a detailed plan and include all the resources and then copy this plan for each house. You don’t need to logically link them but it would help the scheduling if you have house 1 compete before house 2 etc. You need to enter the amount of reources you have available, say 4 electricians, and when you resource level the schedule produce the planned house completion dates.

I would suggest you test this out with 2 houses first as if you plan to build a large number then for every mistake you correct you will need to do this for each house.

Don’t forget to check the results and you may need to enforce more logic as it may decide to build one house at a time and not in parallel.

I hope this helps.
Shahzad Munawar
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I think Robert is seeking the sequence of activities as well as duration for the house construction rather than initial planning tips.
Alex Wong
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1.Firstly you have to break down the works into trade (Create a WBS)
2.Then - Identify the Key Equipment/Material Delivery,
3.Build a detail program in(P3) base on the WBS for an completed house with all the key milestones, Ie, Foundation completion, Structure completion, Roof Completion, Electrical, Plumbing, ...and resource loaded
4.Use this program as a program block and link with another house (Build-in some contengency between houses)
5.Look @ the resource level for each trade and overall.
6.Resource Level the entire schedule.
7.Build-in interim milestone for schedule review
8.Use the scedule to produce a master material delivery schedule (Details)
9.Get an approval (Stamp) on the overall schedule
10.Progress and monitoring (THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART)

Of course the rolling between house is very dependent on the resource and materials availiability.

I experience an building company here in Australia uses P3 in a very effective way to manage over 100 houses construction/year
So if you divid that by 250 working days per year and 100 days per houses, it is approx 30-40 house per any one time


Svein Myklebust
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Buildning houses are not my field,
but shouldn’t you give some more details here?

Starting point? (Digging, brick work......)
Involved disciplines?
Geraint Roberts
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We are at early stages of feasability. 2 - 4 bedroom Brickwork timber roofs, no basements, lightly piled foundations.