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baseline update - past activities

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Rafael Doblas
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Hello all,

Wanted to get some guidance on this:

We are in the middle of a project. We started working on an extension of time case with the client but took forever to have that accepted. In the meanwhile, we missed some milestones as per the original baseline. Those activities are now in the past. Are we supposed to change the baseline for past activities as per the new extension of time?



Patrick Weaver
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The general rule is no retrospective changes to either the baseline or the progressed activities. The situation shown is what was current at the time. 

My recommendation would be for any milestone that occured after the delay, but before the EOT was granted simply note that subsequently an EOT of XX days has been grated reducing / elimineting the delayed completion. 

When you rebaseline the schedule, you can either insert activities at the pont of each delay with a duration equal to the approved EOT (of if the delay was general insert non-working days in the calendar). But this rebaselined schedule should only be used fo reporting going forward. The EOTs are not an excuse for recasting the schedule baseline without agreement from the client. 

A lot depends on the terms of your contract. 

For more on this see: