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Export/Import Resource loaded programme

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Catherine Barthelemy
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hello all,

Would anyone know what would cause changes in Unit rates or any other cost discrepancies when export a project to another database?

Our programmes are set to Fixed duration and Units - % complete type is duration.

When importing projects, some of the costs have changed but not others... We have checked all the settings and they all seem to be the same for the resources and activities....

What are we missing?

Any tips?


James Hargrave
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Hi Catherine

Suggest you go into the resource calandar and create a Cost only activity bring up the following Columns 1. Auto Compute Actuals (needs a tick in the box); & 2. Calculate Costs from Units (box needs to be blank (no tick)).

Back in the bar chart section go to the resources and change budgetted units to zero.

Is this the same Cartherine that was on the SWIM (Stockport) job, with Phil & Crew?

Best Regards
