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Creating bulk activities from excel import

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User offline. Last seen 1 week 5 days ago. Offline
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It's a bit a basic importing question.
I want to create a bulk duplicate activities in P6. The original activities contain two resources that I want to split for the sake of reporting and leveling. Will creating new lines in excel import suffice to add them in P6?

Act ID       -       Act Name                  -      Res IDs
A0001       -      Activity 1                    -      Res1, Res2

Act ID       -       Act Name                  -       Res IDs       -     Remark
A0001       -      Activity 1                    -      Res1
DUPA0001 -      Activity 1 - DUPLICATE  -      Res2           -     Created by excel import

You can suggest another ethod of doing this.

Thanks in advance

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Hello Rodel,

That is actually easier and simpler, and I haven't thought of it. Thank you!

Rodel Marasigan
User offline. Last seen 15 weeks 5 days ago. Offline
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You can filter the activity you want to duplicate (with two resources) and simply copy and paste, then delete the resources in the resource assignment module. That's the quickest method.