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Large Activity Filter

9 replies [Last post]
Rodney Jones
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Hi All you Brainiacs!


Have any of you found a way to autocreate a large filter? I have about 75 Materials Delivery milestones and I want to show their Successor/s


So my filter terms would be:

Where Predecessor = (insert Milestone id)


Where Predecessor = (insert Milestone id)

etc,etc,etc. for the whole 75 Milestones.






Rodel Marasigan
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I believed you are looking for a mutiple float path filter. Create a single milestone end date of all last successor of all procurement items for this exercise. Connect all last successors to this milestone then run the Critical multiple float path and select free float then select this milestone. Say 10 number of float path to calculate, then filter "Float path not equal to {blank}"

Zoltan Palffy
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just add the detailed predcessor as a column to your filter

Rodney Jones
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Hi Again Guys,

I haven't explained properly.

I have Procurement activities with UDF Activity code - Discipline, Disciplines = Civil or Structural or Procurement.

I am trying to create a filter that shows the Procurement Activities and it's Successor/s.

So I can get:

Where Discipline = Procurement (gives me all the Procurement Activities) but I can't work out how to include the Successors.

I don't want to modify any Activity IDs or Activity Names.

Or I can go:

Where Predecessor Details includes 'FIM' or 'ROS' or 'FAB' (all of which are Procurement Activity id Prefixes) but still don't know how to show the actual Successors.


Please!!! Hahaha.



Rodney Jones
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Hi Zoltan and Rodel,

Ahhh, Of Course! I use a few UDF's for that very purpose, just didn't extend the concept. Cheers!

David, Hahahahaha, nah, I'll run with the other idea but thanks.



Rodney Jones
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Hi Zoltan and Rodel,

Ahhh, Of Course! I use a few UDF's for that very purpose, just didn't extend the concept. Cheers!

David, Hahahahaha, nah, I'll run with the other idea but thanks.



Zoltan Palffy
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there should a common word in the activity description that you can filter on or just a create an actviity code and assign it to the activities. 

Zoltan Palffy
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there should a common word in the activity description that you can filter on or just a create an actviity code and assign it to the activities. 

Rodel Marasigan
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I normally use codes or smart activity id to filter these so it's very easy to select.

For manually creating filter, use copy paste function while on filter creation and just change the criteria (i.e. Milestone ID)

david kelly
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Easy-easy, Rod. You need a copy of Primavera SureTrak, circa 1995. ($300)

Or create 75 filters for P6 ($3000)