My project management level of effort (LOE) activity has progressed Duration % Complete 7.89%, but the actual labor units of the assigned labor resource is not populating. I tried the below:
1) Actions | Recalculate assignment costs.
2) Schedule option 'Recalculate assignment costs after scheduling' set to on.
3) Percent Complete Type of LOE project management activity set to Duration.
4) Set 'Recalculate actual units and cost when Duration % Complete changes' set to on.
5) Duration type set to 'Fixed Duration and Units'.
As I understand, actual labor units for LOE activities automatically populate when I progress the schedule. This works for P6 Professional. Is there a reason I cannot get actual labor units to populate for P6 EPPM? Do I have to manually enter actual labor units for P6 EPPM?
Any input?