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Import Only Resource Names & Resource I.D.

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I am trying to import just all the "Resource Names & Resource I.D." - I tried many times, but in vain. 

I tried searching for YouTube Videos where only "Resource Names" are imported - But could not find a single such video.

I added 2 resources manually in Primavera i.e. NLD-21 & NLD-22 with all details & then exported to Excel with the following fields - Using the Resource Export - 

Please note that the number values in the cells Are formatted as text or preceded by an apostrophe though it does not appear so in the below "Copy-Pasted" data - The Original Excel Data does have an Apostrophe.








Resource ID

Resource Name

(*)Resource Type

Unit of Measure

(*)Role ID

Default Units / Time(h/d)

(*)Max Units/Time(h/d)































Then I opened the Excel file and deleted all other resources which are not part of the current project and added 3 more resources i.e. NLD-23, NLD-24 & NLD-25 with details as specified above.

Then I imported this resource added Excel file in Primavera - But these newly added 3 resources do not get imported even though Primavera displays that the "Import was successful" - I tried atleast 20 different Permutations & Combinations of adding and deleting fields, etc, etc but its not working out. The newely added 3 resources are Not Imported.

Can someone tell me why? And what to do?

With Thanks & Best Regards


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Thanks Dear Mr. Mohammed Ali - Mr. Zoltan Palffy  & Mr. Rafael Davila  for your replies.

I will take into account (incorporate) all of your suggestions & work - I am sure it will work out now.

With Thanks & Best Regards To You All.

Mohammed Ali
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Thank you Zoltan for your recommendation, it is really appreciated.


This ٍSDK magic tool can do the job and you can use it on excel from 2007 till 2019 but it must be 32 bit

This file has the required settings:

This video illustrates how to export resources:


If you need to export resources and roles only the RSC magic tool is a special tool for this purpose, this is the download link:

It can be used only on excel 2007 and 2010 and this video illustrates how you can use it:

Both tools are free.

Zoltan Palffy
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as you see in your example at the top of the column resource name DOES NOT have an ASTERICKS *

however, the Resource Type does have an Astericks * ANY COLUMN HEADING WITH AN ASTERICKS * IN NOT IMPORTABLE.

in other works the resource must already be in the resource dictionary then the budgeted, actual and forecated information can be updted.

The only way to work around this was to use SDK that came with P6 (SDK stands for software development Kit)

and there are spreadhseets that can be use dto import the dictionaries of resources, activity codes and cost accounts things you typically can not do. This can only be used in a 32 byte environment.

The only acception now is to use Modhammads magic tool to do this. If you have a version of excel 2010 or less it should work.

Zoltan Palffy
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as you see in your example at the top of the column resource name DOES NOT have an ASTERICKS *

however, the Resource Type does have an Astericks * ANY COLUMN HEADING WITH AN ASTERICKS * IN NOT IMPORTABLE.

in other works the resource must already be in the resource dictionary then the budgeted, actual and forecated information can be updted.

The only way to work around this was to use SDK that came with P6 (SDK stands for software development Kit)

and there are spreadhseets that can be use dto import the dictionaries of resources, activity codes and cost accounts things you typically can not do. This can only be used in a 32 byte environment.

The only acception now is to use Modhammads magic tool to do this. If you have a version of excel 2010 or less it should work.

Rafael Davila
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While I do not use P6 transferring of fields I do frequently within my software.  Resource creation requires more than ID and name fields, if you do not transfer all required fields you might get nothing, better let P6 figure it out for you. One that is missing is resource calendar; others that might be missing will depend on your software.  If the calendar is missing in your database you must either define it or transfer prior to transfer the resources, same goes with other transfers.

Be remided that some transfers can supersede previous data, say you transfer a calendar that exists in your database some unintended changes might happen, that can be a huge problem with other projects using same calendar code. Because of this it might be convenient to add some prefix to the field codes prior to transfer.

P6 Professional Importing and Exporting Guide

Good Luck

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Dear Mohammed Ali,

I am having Excel 2016 but I am saving the file as Excel 97-2003 xls worksheet for import.

Mohammed Ali
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If you have Excel 2007 or 2010, Please confirm.