Hi everyone, I am kindly asking for help about following problem.
I need to show lower productivity per several resources in my schedule in winter period. Those resources are commodities.
Other resources (manpower and equipment) as well as activities should be intacted.
So my idea was that I will keep on using original project calendar (7 days x 10 hours) for activities and mapower/equipment resources, and modified calendar (summer months 7 days x 10 hours and winter months 6 days x 6 hours) for a.m. commodity resources.
Unfortunately it did not show any difference from original schedule and all resources were distributed lineary.
Is there some solution how to get this result?
Thank you!
I should mention that I have changed to different clandar for all activities and it did show changes (higer resources in summer and lower resources in winter), but it does not help me because I don't want to show changes for manpower and equipment (only for commodities).
Also, I know that creating more detailed schedule with activities dedicated to volume of work for winter months will solve problem, but I don't have time and need fast solution.