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Missing indent and levels from Group by

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Geoff Kitchen
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Hi All, first time poster.

I have done something to my current project today so that now I can't Group By WBS. The option to indent has gone and I can't select levels anymore. This has happened today some time and I have no idea what I've done. I'm hoping it's some kind of setting I've inadvertantly changed. Any help would be much appreciated.



Joel Villanueva
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I have similar problem the Indent is not working and level. Any solutions on this? Thanks for the reply.

Zoltan Palffy
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try this go to view group and sort and select the Default button on the right 

Geoff Kitchen
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Thanks Steven,

Yeah I can select WBS but I can't do the normal stuff with it. No levels, they don't even appear as a selection anymore. The tickbox for indenting is just a solid blue, no check box. No list of levels below the WBS heading but I still have all my WBS levels when I look at the activities in th program. The program is still scheduling fine, I just can't do anything with grouping. When I look at the critical path I have to reload the layout to get back to a program view. It's got me stumped. I've only been using P6 for about 18 months but never come across this.

I'll try cycling through some other layouts to see if it comes good but this is with the standard "classic schedule layout".


Steven Auld
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Not sure why the WBS option would not show in the Group & sort, as this remains visible even if the project contains no defined WBS structure.

The option to indent / select levels is only available for certain values (i.e. WBS, Activity Codes etc.). The only WBS value that will allow you to indent is the "WBS" Value. "WBS CAtegory", "WBS Name" & "WBS Path" do not allow for indent.

Have you tried opening a different layout from the one you currently have open to see if you can now select the WBS in the Group & Sort?



Geoff Kitchen
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OK I guess I can't do a screen shot...

Geoff Kitchen
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