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Resource Shifts

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adab azeez
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Greetings to everyone. I am creating a 24 hour Shutdown schedule.Now I Resources are being assigned. There are two working shiftsin this Shutdown first shift- 7Am to 7pm and second shift 7Pm to 7 am. My question is Is it necessary to create two shifts for each resource, when the price per unit is same? May be, I would be asked to put 12 manpower in day and 8 in night so how to assign resource in this case ? Can anyone guide please ? Regretfully I am not good when it comes to use resources in P6. Thank you to everyone.



thank you for your reply.

I also do not use P6 and hoped that Zoltan will answer Adab question.

Assigning resources that work in different shifts we do not know before project scheduling when an activity will start and finish. So each shift duration and effort are not known before scheduling and change during project execution. I am curious if it can be modeled in P6 and how.

And I am still waiting for the answer of David Kelly on modeling continuous activity execution in P6 (

Some of our clients export Spider Project schedules to P6 and import P6 schedules. So we need to know P6 capabilities and how to transfer Spider data for P6 users and vice versa.

Rafael Davila
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It seems like shift function in P6 is intended to be a cost function for resources that can work at different rates on different shifts.

I do not believe P6 can handle mutliple shifts on same activity and the workaround to multiple shifts on same activity is to create separarte activities for every shift.  A workarkaround that might fall short in many real life situations.  Say for example 2 resources can work on same activity different days at different production rates.

By requiring a different resource for each shift the functionality just adds a label to the calendar, the idea, though limited, is to be used as a cost function. 

If abad is to assign only one shift per resource and activities are to work on a single shift he can do it without the need to use shift as a cost function, no need to create shifts as there will be a single shift calendar, a single cost. 

It is my best guess as I do not have access to P6.

Zoltan Palffy
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I would just make 2 separate resources then and assign the resouce with the 12 men to the 1st shift and 8 persons of the 2nd resource for the 2nd shift 

Zoltan, I did not understand your advice.

Adab wants to assign 12 persons on the day shift and 8 persons on the night shift. He asked how to assign resources in this case.

You suggested to create two shift calendars but what is next?

Zoltan Palffy
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you can do either create one for each shift or just use one

go to Enterprise Resource Shifts to define your shift times.

it really depends on what you want to do