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Earned Value Cost vs Physical Percent Complete

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Henry Hermosura
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Hi, how could i solve my problem on how to correct my earned value cost calculation on my updated Schedule in P6. Example of incorrect earned value cost is 2500USD instead of 6500USD at 100% Physical % Completed. Is there any way to resolve this issue? Is there any settings needs to fix in P6 v8.2?   Thank you in advance.


Zoltan Palffy
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if you do that remember to update the raming duration 

Henry Hermosura
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Hi David,

Thank you for the help it helps a lot. Best regard...

Kannan CP
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Hi Henry,

Ensure that in the settings,the percent complete type for the activity is  "PHYSICAL". 

Best Regards


David Kelly
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...... and while you are at it, you might prefer the column "performance % complete" instead of "Physical % complete"

David Kelly
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Primavera only earns value from a baseline. So strictly speaking your "Budgeted Total Cost" is not necessarily relevant to earned value calculations.

If you want to "earn" from the current schedue, you must assign one of either the "Project" or "Primary" baselines to "current" project in the "Assign baselines" control under the project pull down, and then in the "Settings" tab of the project window, select the correct baseline to calculate earned value from.

Have fun! You might also need to check the setting in Admin Preferences - but check out the above first!

Henry Hermosura
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In addition below are the updated schedule for reference:
