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How to Edit Relationship Line Size/Thickness

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Richard A
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Hello Folks,

I need your help in this. 

While I know that the Relationship line colours (black and red) cannot be changed in P6, I need help in changing the relationship line size/thickness. Especially the red one for Critical Path. I have searched  through the menus and option but with no luck. I noticed the lines are quite fine when in activity page, but once I get into the print preview, the Critical Path Relationship lines gets uncomfortably bigger and shows as such when printed. Below is an example of what I mean.




Emad Mofarej,PMP,...
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You can't directly do that. However there are two possible workarounds. 

1)Print the layout in PDF and Then use Adobe Acrobat professional Post Production tools > Fix Hairline option to change line sizes to whatever you are need it to be. Sometimes this is not successfull and you need more advance programs like Pit stop.


2)The other simpler option is using visualizer to draw the gant chart and using visualizer option> lines >relationships > line thikness to change the relationship line thikness. I prefer this method as I can change anything from colors of diffrent relationship types, style, weight and even line drawing styles. and yes the relationship colors can change but in visualizer. 

Zoltan Palffy
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