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Creating a Report to Show Open Ends

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Dylan Kalvin
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I'm wondering if there's any way to filter or create a report for activities that have an open end. By open end I mean it doesn't have an activitiy tied to its start and/or its finish. I'm not just looking for activities that are missing a predecessor or successor; rather, I want to find activities that don't have either a FS or SS predecessor, or a FS or FF successor. (I'm not even going to bother with SF relationships).

For example, if an activity only has a successor with a SS relationship, there is nothing tied to the end of the activity, and its duration could go out to the end of the project. Similarly, if an activity has only a predecessor with a FF relationship, there is nothing driving the start of the activity.

Ideally, if looking at a Gantt chart with relationship lines, every activity would have at least one arrow ending at the start of the activity, and at least one arrow starting at the end of the activity.

Hopefully someone can help!




Zoltan Palffy
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glad I could help but please no large pics in the post

Dylan Kalvin
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Thanks! That definitely gave me a starting point. I exported the date and was able to mess around with pivot tables and conditional formatting to generate something that shows if an activity doesn't have anything tied to its finish. For example, in the screenshot below, activity 1400.7020 has 3 successors, all with SS relationships:


I did the same thing for activities with only FF predecessors. Thanks again for the response!

Zoltan Palffy
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what you can do is export to excel and only select resources make sure to include realtionship type look of the one that is only SS as the successor now you can filter column C only for SS
