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Schedule activities that can be executed in any order

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Mohamed Farhan
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I have just made my way into a precast production company as a project planner. My role is to plan the erection process at site. That is I have to plan which elements are to be erected on which dates and so on and my company wants me to do it in primavera itself. 

I make the schedule considering each element as an activity and connect them with FS relationship. But the issue is once I have prepared my plan, sometimes due to external issues the erection does not go in the order which I want. Basically my activities have no proper order of execution. Order doesn't matter. Which is making it very difficult for me to plan in primavera. Any suggestions will be very useful for me. 




If activities can be done in any order first of all decide how many activities can be done in parallel.

Let's suppose that N.

Create resource A with N/hour amount and assign it to all activities.

Assign activity priorities basing on prefered order of their execution and run resource leveling.

If the order is changing reconsider activity priorities.


If erection of each element consists of several activities the model shall be more complex and Primavera will not be able to handle it properly (space leveling is required).

Rafael Davila
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Too much granularity can be as bad as too little.  If installing floor tile you do not create an activity for each tile, the same goes with precast units. 

The following figure can give you an idea of how to group the precast units into fewer activities in a way you can plan the fabrication, deliveries and installation. Easier to update and revise.

Good Luck.


Zoltan Palffy
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thats is not entirely true the precast has to sit on something or attach to something so the order of the something that the precast sits on or is connect to is YOUR order to follow. These are predecessors to your work. You can always modify the logic if there ia change to the plan. 

zahid shaikh
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I guess for precast, they have different software for planning. You are saying the erection does not go as planned, that means the production is going as planned this will lead to stocking issue on site and in the factory. Since the plan is made by some logical sequence and it also might be approved by your senior management so you have to get the site under control as per the plan. Study on the construction of Empire state building, they did a really great job on steel production and installation planning. And schedule the programme on Retain Logic to get the exact delay.