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Total float in decimals, multiple calendars

7 replies [Last post]
Bhajan Chandrasek...
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Hi all, I'm developing a baseline and I'm seeing TF in decimals (example 10.5) for activities assigned with one particular calendar(6 day workweek, 20h/day, 02:00 to 22:00). My other calendars are: 7 day workweek, 10h/day, 12:00 to 22:00 and 5 day workweek, 10h/day, 12:00 to 22:00. Data date is start of first acitvity 3 Feb 2016, 12:00 because this activity is assigned with the 3rd calendar(5 day workweek, 10h/day, 12:00 to 22:00). Am I missing something? Thanks.


Zoltan Palffy
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never accept defeat its just a program you tell it what to do.

 make sure that you actual start TIMES and actual finish TIMES are correct. Menaing that your actual start time is the start hours of the day of that activites calendar and make sure that the actual finish times are the end hour of the day of that activites calendar.

so this then let me know if that does not fix it then send me the project and I wil fix it. 

Zoltan Palffy
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never accept defeat its just a program you tell it what to do.

 make sure that you actual start TIMES and actual finish TIMES are correct. Menaing that your actual start time is the start hours of the day of that activites calendar and make sure that the actual finish times are the end hour of the day of that activites calendar.

so this then let me know if that does not fix it then send me the project and I wil fix it. 

Bhajan Chandrasek...
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Nothing is fixing this. I might have to accept the decimal float.

Zoltan Palffy
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check any activities in progress make sure that the actual start date TIME is correct

also make sure that any activities that have constraints have the correct START TIMES or finish TIMES on the constraint date.

Also make sure that the project must finish by TIME is correct  

Bhajan Chandrasek...
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Thanks Zoltan. I tried that, no change unfortunately. The problem shows for activities which have predecessors with the- 5 day workweek, 10h/day, 12:00 to 22:00 calendar. Attached is a screenshot.


Bhajan Chandrasek...
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Thanks Zoltan. I tried that, no change unfortunately. The problem shows for activities which have predecessors with the- 5 day workweek, 10h/day, 12:00 to 22:00 calendar. Attached is a screenshot.


Zoltan Palffy
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first turn on your times then turn on your decmials for your durations make sure that they are in whole numbers and check your data date TIME it will have to be the earliest start times of all your your calendars which I think is 2:00 am.

Also check any constraint TIMES make sure that if it is a start constraint that the start TIME corresponds to the calendar that the activity is on. If it is a finish constraint make sure that the finsh TIME corresponds to the calendar that the activity is on.

Also check your must finsh by date TIME make sure that it the finish TIME corresponds to the calendar that the activity is on.