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Resource Max units / time

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Thrainn Viggosson
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I am using P6 Professional 8.3 and I'm having issues with the Resource - Max units / time allocation. I enter an effective date to start assigning 8 hours per day (Max units / time) for a activity, and then another effective date later on to start assigning 2 hours per day to the same activity, but it doesn't show up or update the Resource usage profile or in the Resource assignments field. I can input the hours per day manually in Resource Assignments but this is not a great solution. What am I doing wrong?



we manage schedules consisting of many thousands activities and partial resource assignments are not rare

Simple and obvious example - tower crane that is parially assigned to many construction project activities.

In any case if some resource is used at some activity not full work day then the rest work time shall be used on other activities.



Raymund de Laza
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Your argument is valid but that depends of the Type of Project.

In a wider complex Project, a Labor resource will be never be assigned any partial hours or days to a certain activity.

Assignment of Partial Labor hrs or days to an activity is what I believe to be applicable only on a very simple Project with not more than 10 Activities.


If a resource is used on several activities in parallel adjusting resource calendars is poor solution. Besides do you pian to change resource calendars with each schedule update?
Thrainn Viggosson
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Ok thanks for that. I will probably set up a calendar. I just thought there was an easier way 

Raymund de Laza
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Max Unit / Time is used for Resource Leveling Purposes.

THis means, in case you assigned a labor to work in a day more than Maximum Hours per day then it will show you Over allocated Resources. And when Levelling of Resources is applied then it will expand the Duration.

In your case, a separate Calendar for the Labor specifying the Working Hours is needed.

Hope this will clarify.

Thrainn Viggosson
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Thanks Kennan,


I attempted this yesterday with no success 

Kannan CP
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Hi Thrainn,

Try using resource dependent activity type instead of task dependent. then assign a dedicated resource for this activity.

May be this will work.




Thrainn Viggosson
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Hi Johannes,

How is resource loading done using the resource tab?

In the Primavera P6 Professional User's Guide 2011 it has an example for determining resource availibility. This is what it says and based on what I'm trying to do:

'' Example: Determining resource availibility

If the selected resource is one person, a resonable value may be 8 hours (units) per day (duration). In this case, the Max Units / Time would be 8.00h/d, or 8 hours of work per day. Similarly, if the selected resource is a department with 5 people, then the Max Units/Time may be 40.00h/d. This means that 5 people can perform 40 hours of work per day, rather than 1 person performing 8 hours of work per day.''

Instead of increasing the hours per day, I want to decrease it. This feature is'nt working and I don't know why


Johannes Vandenberg
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Hi Thrainn

I have looked at your first post and could not figure out what the question was. No I have seen the second post and the issue is now clear.

In the detailed resource tab units & prices you set the availability of the unit per time. Thus you only set the availability. This availability is use to determine whether the specific resource is under or overloaded. This is also one on the most important features  for Resource Constrained Scheduling and leveling.

This can not be used to define the resources to specific activities. Resource loading is done using the resources tab.



Thrainn Viggosson
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I am budgeting for lower availability of the resources later in the project e.g. In the 1st period of the project the 'Project management' resource is 10hours/day, then reduces to 50% availability (5hours/day) for the second period, and then reduced to 2hours/day availability in the last period. I have done this before for a different project, in an earlier version of Primavera but not sure why its not working now. I have attached picture examples of what I'm trying to do. One is photoshoped.


Example 1.png


Pradeep Kumar
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Try to insert resource curve. Like front loaded or back loaded etc.