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Advice on Histograms / Resources for Training People.

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Lee Johnson
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I am working on a project which is tracking the progress of training courses being delivered to many organisations.


The WBS is split down thus:  Region > Organisation> Course


I have assigned to each Course 3 activities. Passed (a bar from project date until data date), Booked (A bar from data date running until the last course), Not Booked (TBC - for those employees who havent been booked on a course YET).

I want to be able to measure this using P6. I have assigned activity codes for Suppliers, Organisations, and Course titles.


So the resource graph i want to show would show cumulative numbers of Passed, Booked, and Not booked...... By supplier.


I do not want the graph to allocate these figure per month, i only want a cumulative of how many people per company have been passed, and how many have yet to train.



Any advice on how to show this graph, as when i run it in the way i would with labour, it is splitting the actuals along the duration.


Zoltan Palffy
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add a column for activity count

filter for your criteria

group by the wbs and indent

and in the group and sort select show grand totals 

this will total the number of activities for those activities within those groups by activity count