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P6 V7 Updating a Project using another version of the project

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Charlie Daniels
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Is it possible to use one version of a project, to update only certain activities of a newer version?


I have added more detail to a project, linked it to sub projects, and would like to update this projects dates with that of a newer version that does not have the links to the sub projects, I don't want the update op remove the links to the sub projects in the older version though, which is what is happening when I try this, it updates the logic and everything else too. (removing the links which I would like to keep)


Any suggestions?




Zoltan Palffy
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I dont think he means the actual version of the sofware but where one schedule has newer information than the previous one. Regarless Dieter you have it correct in the import action select Update existing project. To take this a step further you can choose what you want to update during the import process by  selecting modify during the import process and select which itesm you want to update. You have bascially 4 import options to choose for each item being imported.

Your Options are:

Update Existing

Donot Import

Insert New

Keep Existing


this can be done for each item in the

Activity Type, Global Type &  Project Type

Dieter Wambach
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Hi Charlie

Hopefully that I understood your question.

You'll open a copy of your project and start the import function

There you have different settings:

1st the version: You select 7.0

2nd the import action: ; "Update existing project"

3rd first time use, you'll create a new import option, youll be guided by P6. mark what you want to be modified, what not.

Good luck!
