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Data date change, critical path changed?

2 replies [Last post]
anissa madewa
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I have a fixed schedule from previous project and I want to use it on another project with exact same activities, relationship, and everything. But when I changed the data date, the critical path also changed. Does anyone know why is this happening? Is this normal?



Ronald Winter
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Oh course that is normal.  The critical path often changes over the course of a project.  If it did not, there would be little use in tracking the entire project. 

Delays, low productivity, added work, changed conditions, changed workplans all combine to make the job of scheduling a complicated, rewarding experience.  Good luck!

Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 15 weeks ago. Offline


Two obvious things to check:

Calendars. Changing the data date may have brought some non-worknig time into play on near-critical activities which has made them critical.

Constraints: If you have any constraints in the schedule, the dates of these constraints will not have shifted when you changed the data date. You will have to manually adjust / remove them.

