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OPP's - OUT-OF-SEQUENCE minimisation

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Kenneth Rodrigues
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Out of sequence events seem to be common , even when one's is trying to schedule only with Free Float and Zero Lag. How can one minimise this in OPP ?

There is so muchs one can check the Schedule Logic for 400 plus activities. Is the3re any SSR tools around that one can incorprate on the Open Library? Just last weeek , after statusing some 3 Activities on a minor project. There was a problem which I suspect is due to this "Out of Sequence" or OPP having a bug in the system.

Problem: The 4 Activities were progress, but ther one 1 activity shifting by 1 month when the it's Predecessor being only one activity with FS relatioship with it. I notice in the Progress Tab of this particular Activity, there were suppose to be 4 resources on it and there was ample Remaing Hrs against all the Resources assigned to it.

But when I introduced 2 more Columns on OPP Bar Veiw ( i.e. RES_ID & RES_level) , I could see zero against this Activity which has delayed by one month now and on the Critical Path too ( it was on originally on the Crtical Path before the Statusing too)

If one looks at the RES_ID column, one finds there is only one Resources Name in the column when the Progress Tab shows 4 with zero in the Remainig Hrs Column against each RES_ID on each row ! There was only one Resource name in the RES_ID column. I will have to Recover the old backup prior to the statusing and Import it into the Sandpit to do "what if" just to confirm it has to with the Resouces since the Project is "live" and reporting on corporate Reporting System with WelcomHome.


Matt Woj
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Kenneth,  Have you checked the Log Viewer after you run Time Analysis to find out the OOS tasks?  This is an easy way to identify which ones are causing errors.

Matt Woj
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Kenneth,  Have you checked the Log Viewer after you run Time Analysis to find out the OOS tasks?  This is an easy way to identify which ones are causing errors.