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How to schedule un -splittable tasks

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Alexandre Faulx-B...
User offline. Last seen 2 years 11 weeks ago. Offline
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Hello Planners,

one customer of mine is asking the fommowing question, I have to admit that I am not able to answer it; does anybody have an idea?


My project takes place during Scheduled Machine Shutdowns (SMS).Today when the different Tasks (T) / Group of Tasks (GT) exceed the duration available on the SMS,they start on SMS(n) and end on SMS(n+1).I would like to avoid this splitting and have*if T-GT is not terminated on SMS(n) then starts in SMS(n+1)i*f there is no automatic solution, I have to manually manage TWT (Non-Worked Task) to perform the shift and this is very tedious to create.Moreover, if a task preceding the TWT is delayed, I have to rectify the TWT accordingly so that my schedule for the SMS is not all shifted. Subsidiary question :if the duration of T-GT > SMS' initial duration, how to have a way to visualize that I have to program an SMS longer than expected*****************"SMSs" are not tasks, but non-working periods in the calendar of a resource "SMS"I know that Powerproject and Spider allow tasks to be "un-splitable"; I know that MS Project allows tasks not to be split during resource leveling; but I cannot find a way to answser my customer.Thank you for your help,AlexandreP.S. I am sure Raphaël will have a bright idea!


Alexandre Faulx-B...
User offline. Last seen 2 years 11 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 1355

Thank you Raphaël and Vladimir for your help


Thank you Rafael,

we'll change this in the new version.

Rafael Davila
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Vladimir, perhaps it could help if istead of "allow performance interruptions ..." it reads "restrict performance interruptions ..." as to make it easier to find the parameter code/name for reports.

Yes Rafael, you are right, this is Spider Project option like many others absent in other tools.

Rafael Davila
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Thanks Vladimir, it is way easier but perhaps only available for Spider users. Now this approach is on my list of Spider scheduling strategies.

27mar22-01  In this example I used a Calendar Exception named "Shut Down" and an activity interruption of no more than .001 hours.

27mar22-02  In this example I used a Calendar Exception named "Shut Down" but not the prerformance interruption restriction.

Both yields different results, choose the one/combination that best meets your requirements.


in Spider Project you can set that activity interruption is allowed for not more than N days.

In this case such activities will be automatically delayed to the next "window" if they could not be completed in the current "window".


Rafael Davila
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Non-work calendar time does not split an activity. If an activity calendar is 8 hours per day and it works for five days it does not mean activity is split.


- In this sample schedule we have an availability of 10,000 ea. resources D1 except for the time span shutdown is scheduled where availability is set to 0.

- We use time resource production as to make D1 unavailable during shutdown and assign one unit to each activity that you do not want to stop work during shutdown but to be 100% scheduled before the shutdown or 100% after the shutdown.

- If using Microsoft Project try adjusting units of effort availability under resource information.


Good luck.