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Problems Hiding Time within Start & Finish Column in MS Project 2007

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Matt Brautigam
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I am looking for help with hiding the time within my start and finish column of my schedule.

This schedule is being planned in hours on a 24/7 calander (Offshore Installation Schedule) and currently my start and finish columns show the date and time of the start and finish of each activity.  For Example 12/6/12 8:54am.  When I choose a different date format within Options ==> View to a format without the time on it the current date/time does not change.

Does anyone know what could be causing this and how to fix it?


S.M.Sajjad Haider...
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thanks Sir!

Tom Boyle
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To SM Sajjad,

This typically happens for one of two reasons:

1. There is a calendar mismatch somewhere in the driving path for this task - can happen when you are modelling shift work.

2. You have not been careful enough in entering a hard date - either for actual start, actual finish, or some constraint - and the effects have cascaded to this task.  (This seems more likely.)  Whenever you enter a date without a time, then Project enters a start or finish time according to the default times in the project's schedule options.  (And no, Project does not go back and change these entries if you change the default values.)  If those don't match the working calendar of the task, then you may have imposed a little calendar offset that carries through to the successors.


To fix, make a new view to show all tasks and sort by start.  Being sure to display the clock time (as you have already done), look for the first task with an unusual or unexpected start or finish time.  Correct any errors you find, then re-calculate and proceed to look for the next instance. 

S.M.Sajjad Haider...
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4 days11/14/15 2:00 PM11/18/15 1:00 PM


Dear All why task is starting from 2:00pm while day has started 8:00am in the day?

How can this be rectified?


Jaimin Shah
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Tools->Option->Schedule->Duration is entereed in [select days]

It may help..