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Not transparent behavior of scheduler

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Maciej G
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I have set two tasks in automatic mode: one task after another using predecessors link as defined below. Task A is completed in 100%. 

Id |Task Name |Predecessors|Start|Finish
265|Task A|264|Fri 24/06/11|Mon 27/06/11
266|Task B|265|Fri 29/07/11|Thu 04/08/11

What I don't understand is why MS Project schedules Task B a month after the first one. I'm particularly missing feedback from MS Project justifying this decision. Without this feedback nailing down the problem and its reason becomes hard.

  1. What could be the possible reason for that?
  2. How can I get feedback from MS Project with explanation why the given task has been scheduled in a certain way?

Some more details here:

  1. Task B contrain type is "Start as soon as possible"
  2. Resources assigned to the task have no holidays in this period (no exceptions in calendar)

Thank you in advance,



Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 36 weeks 23 hours ago. Offline
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Hi Maciej

What was the date of your progress report where you set task A at 100%?

Best regards

Mike Testro