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night shift activities

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kumar s
User offline. Last seen 8 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Jan 2010
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dear all

how to filter the actiivtes which is scheduled only in the night shift.
i have taken the calendar as 24/7.
so now i have to assign the activites which is starting in the night shift to the night supervisor.
what is the parameter in the filter to be selected.

thank you.


Rafael Davila
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Go to Resource Usage view and define a new filter “Resource Base Calendar is Night Shift” where;

  • Field Name = Base Calendar
  • Test = equals
  • Value(s) = Night Shift

It will display only activities with assigned resources whose base calendar is Night Shift. Therefore, in order to identify night shift activities these must already have been assigned a resource with a night shift base calendar. If you want to exclude activities with assigned calendar resource, exclusively a night shift then you shall expand your filter as to exclude those.

You can create a Combination View with a Primary View equal to Resource Usage and a Details Pane equal Gantt Chart, there you can apply the filter on the upper pane and select the activities on the lower pane.