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2 Week Look Ahead (Filter)

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Tom Jones
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How would one set up a two week look ahead filter using MSP 2003.


Immanuel Olu
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Hi Jerome,


Many thanks for that... Much obliged

The 'Finish Variance' does not factor my interim baseline1,2,3 etc.. It only looks at a schedule finish and "Staus date" or "Now"

I will embrace the flexibility of applu=ying a formula.



Thanks again



Jerome Odeh
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Hi Immanuel,

See below

IIf([Finish]-[Baseline Finish]>=1,(ProjDateDiff([Baseline Finish],[Finish],"Standard"))/(60*8),0)

Formula explanation:

  1. CONDITION[Finish]-[Baseline Finish]>=1. This checks to see if Finish Date is equal to or greater than Baseline Finish Date
  2. True Part If condition above is true then execute this formula (ProjDateDiff([Baseline Finish],[Finish],"Standard"))/(60*8), which calculates the difference beween the Finish & Baseline Finish Dates based on the activity calendar. In the example above, the activity calendar is Standard. ProjDateDiff function returns a result in minutes, so we need convert it to days, hence the division by (60*8), where 60 represents 60 mins in a hour and 8 represents the 8 hrs that make a day in the Standard calendar.
  3. False Part If condition above is false then display 0

Have you considered using the Finish Variance field instead using formula to calculate variance?


Immanuel Olu
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Hi Jerome,

Thanks for the response.

I have applied this, however, I get the values I want ,0, for delta < 1 and < 0.  But I still dont get the actual/realvalue for delta > 1.

The formula rounds the value to 1, but I want to see the actual values... Hope this makes sense.




Immanuel Olu
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Hi Jerome,

Thanks for the response.

I have applied this, however, I get the values I want ,0, for delta < 1 and < 0.  But I still dont get the actual/realvalue for delta > 1.

The formula rounds the value to 1, but I want to see the actual values... Hope this makes sense.




Jerome Odeh
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Keep it simple.

IIf([Finish]-[Baseline Finish]>=1,1,0)

I have assumed you are using a Custom Number field.


Immanuel Olu
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I generate a weekly slippage report in project.. using

[Finish]-[Baseline1 Finish]
I want to include a condition to return 0 where slippage value is less than 1 and 0 where value is less than 0

So there would be 3 parameters here
1 Returning the Value when > 1
2 Returning 0  when value is less than 1
3 Returning 0 when value is less than 0

I have tried

IIf([Finish]-[Baseline6 Finish],IIf([Finish]-[Baseline6 Finish]<1,0,IIf([Finish]-[Baseline6 Finish]<0,0)))<?xml:namespace prefix = "o" />


The first expression , should return all actual values , but this is returning an error


Please help

Se de Leon
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Everything that you described can be done in MSP. Try it.
Mike Testro
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Hi All

In Powerproject you can set a lookahead filter between two dates with a variety of options relating to completion or in progress.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Rafael Davila
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You mean like truncation in Spider? I don’t believe all software will provide for this as a pre-programmed function, but the warning is in order.

Perhaps a macro that hides unwanted activities can do the trick, although might not hide all information for period outside the range?

I have not explored Truncation yet, I am in the middle of a quantity take-off job. Latter in the appropiate forum will follow up on this.

Best regards,
Applying Filter you can get all activities that Finish after (Start Date) And Start before (Start Date + 14 days).
These activities will finish at different times, some of them will finish after (Start Date + 14 days).

This way you will get the list of activities that will be executed at that period but not quantities, costs, durations for planned period.

Best Regards,
Rafael Davila
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What about the formula, adjusted for 14days and [Status Date].?

IIf(([Start]<([Status Date]+14) And ([% Complete]<100)) And ([Finish]>[Status Date]),"Yes","No")

Though not sure about the range filter, seems similar but might miss when Now() not equals [Status Date].

Are yow referring to both? To me the issue is whether yow want to automate the date range or not.

Best regards,
Filter will not help if you need a plan for two weeks.
If some activity starts before the end of two weeks period and finishes later then filter will not show what work shall be done in two weeks period.
Rafael Davila
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If you still have the need to automate the date range using the filter please note that these filters as available in SureTrak and P3 use Data Date (Primavera jargon) or Status Date as the reference and not Today(). This is convenient to keep your monthly reports related to Status Date.

In SureTrak I used to generate my reports printing report groups to PDF so automatic data range was a must in order to avoid issues with my PDF Printer, I opted to add a look-ahead filter definition in addition to the supplied with the software. If you do not have this functionality to print report groups you can still record a macro to automate your report printing.

In the case you opt to create the automatic filter won’t be a bad idea to use the range filter as to verify results until you feel satisfied with the results.

Best Regards,
Se de Leon
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It’s already in the filter command.
Drop down Project, click Filter, choose date range....

I hope this is what you’re looking for.
Rafael Davila
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Not sure if will work with MSP 2003:

From the above references:

For filtering purposes, the simplest way is to use a Flag field. Flag fields have a value of either "Yes" or "No". You can set them manually, but here we are going to use a formula. The formula I am showing performs a few simple tests. First it checks for all tasks that begin before a date three weeks in the future. Then it removes any which are already complete. Of these tasks it selects all of those which are not finished yet. If the task meets those criteria, the field is marked "Yes". If it doesn’t then the field remains as "No". Here is the formula:

IIf(([Start]<(Now()+21) And ([% Complete]<100)) And ([Finish]>Now()),"Yes","No")

If you paste this formula into a flag field (for example Flag1) then all you need to do is create a filter which shows any tasks for which Flag1 is "Yes". Note that the formula as written doesn’t show any incomplete tasks which are supposed to be completed in the past. Theoretically if you have an updated schedule you won’t have any tasks like that, but you can modify the logic to add that condition. Using this technique you should be able to get around almost any interactive filtering challenge.

Also, instead of using Now() consider using [Status Date].

Best Regards,