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Date Field Format - How to change

5 replies [Last post]
Mal Leadbetter
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My VBA knowledge is zero, some may state that this extended beyond VBA, but that for another day.

I have working on a circa 4 year schedule and would like date field to be a little less specific in some of the reports that need to be generated.

I am using MSP version 2002

I would like the field to read something like

Month / Year

Quarter / Year

Any bright ideas ?
Changing s/w is not feasible ! Client uses MSP and working in a multi project environment where project owners all have MSP! Oh to be able to change to PowerProject.

Any help gratefully received


Mal Leadbetter
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Many thanks.
Darren Kosa
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After a little bit of head scratching I think this may work for you.

Format([Start],"\Q" & "q/yyyy")
Format([Start],"\Quarter" & "q/yyyy")


Darren Kosa
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I’m not sure, the initial problem you’ll get is any time you include a ‘q’ in that formula it gets supplanted with the number that references the Quarter so you’ll end up with something like 2uarter2/2009 or 22/2009

If I get a chance this afternoon I’ll see if I can have a look.


Mal Leadbetter
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Many thanks

Can it be set to say



Darren Kosa
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Hi Mal,

You could try a couple of custom formulae in your text fields. I’ll use Text1 and Text2 in this example, you can then adapt it and use whatever text fields you have available.

Text1 will be your new Start column so rename it Start and use this custom formula:

Text2 will be your new Finish column so rename it Finish use this custom formula:

To show Quarters substitute mmm for q

You can then modify the table you use for your reports to show Text1 instead of Start and Text2 instead of Finish.

EDIT: Just remembered you can’t name Text fields Start or Finish so use something else that’s appropriate.

