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Calendars ?

13 replies [Last post]
Karen Pender
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Hi, can anyone help me with a calendars problem?

I have set up a calendar called working weeks with no holidays included, and when I go to Change Working Time and view the Calendar there doesnt seem to be any holidays in there, which is fine however, On my bar chart I put in a bar for 46wks and it comes out at 51 wks?
It also looks like there is a big gap over the weekends is this just MSP characteristic?

I cannot understand why its doing this and how I can fix this problem.

If anyone has any solutions I’d really appreciate it!


Bo Johnsen
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It isn’t that much longer, e.g. a 3 weeks summer holiday is easily created by clicking on the first day in the calendar, holding "Shift" down and clicking on the last date. So consecutive non-working days are as easily created as before.

Non-consecutive non-working days takes a bit longer to create than before, but the name could just be "x" for all of them, so e.g. making every 2nd Saturday a working day as we have on some of our projects would only take maybe 1-2min longer than before for a whole calendar-year.

The above is valid for MSP 2010 - don’t know about MSP 2007.


Tamara Sutton
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So, I’m working in MSP2007 for the first time, trying to set up the standard calendar. Was I not able to select a date from the calendar and click the non-work button in previous versions? Is that functionality no longer available?

It appears I now have to type each date in manually in the bottom of the Change Working Time dialog, providing a "Name" (or leave them all [unnamed]), "Start" and "Finish" (for periods greater than 1 day) as an exception.

Seems like more clicks to define standard non-work day ’exceptions’ for *what* benefit, exactly?

Hopefully, I’m just missing something.
Trevor Rabey
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Or, alternatively, no need to ditch MSP.
Use the software properly and it works.
Ignore uninformed advice to the contrary.
Mike Testro
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Hi Kenny

First Check your work patterns.

Then check any resource allocations to make sure they are on the same callendar.

If none of that works then ditch MSP and get some real software.

Best regards

Mike Testro.
Kenny Kek
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In MSP 2007, how to set all the 7 working days’ working time to 8:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00?

I’m tried, but one of the weekend working time keep remained as 8:00-12:00 and 13:00-14:00hrs (instead or 13:00 to 17:00hrs)

Please help

Mike Testro
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Hi Karen

What on earth are you doing setting up a single activity of 48 weeks?

No single activity should be more than 10 working days.

Please apply bottom up planning principles.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Mirza Imam Baig
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How to make it a 7 days working calendar. Plz advise

Hemanth Kumar
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Be Careful in MSP in Changing Calendars

If Default Hrs Per Day is 8
And The Changed Working Hour does not matches it
there will be duration errors

Darren Kosa
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Hi Karen,

It could be a couple of things.

Have you changed the standard calendar or made a copy of it? If you’re using the copy you’ll also have to change the task calendar from ‘None’ the calendar you’re using, otherwise MS Project defaults to the standard calendar.

Have you got resources assigned to the task? If the resource calendar is different to the task calendar it could show resource unavailability as gaps in the Gantt and adjust durations accordingly.

Most of the time this happens due to discrepancies between calendars.

