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S Curves

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Mark Chapman
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How do I transfer my EV costs into an S-Curve within MSP 2003?


Rodel Marasigan
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I’m writing a VB code to import MSP data to excel and half way through I realized that it needs to do a calculation inside the VB in order to get the % completed on the range date required per hrs, week or month depending on your selection. It will take sometimes to do that in order to get the right formula running when you change the range. I went back to your query and thinking that you only need the code to run “Analyze Timescaled data in Excel”. If that’s the case all you need is a very simple code to include on your current macro.

Try to insert this code and let me know if this help.

Application.CommandBars("Analysis").Visible = True
SendKeys ("%y")

Rodel Marasigan
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Simple answer is no because it is add-in program or we call it external program. I’m trying to write a visual basic code for your requirement.

masoud rahimian
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hi Alexandre
check it to see that MSP records no thing about this action.
is there any was instead?

yours truly
masoud rahimian
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Hi Rodel
i need to plot S-Curve of a project
currently:I use "Analysis time scaled data in excel" button to export %complete of my tasks,then with some correction of round up bug in exported data in excel,i have %complete of each activity & summery in excel.

now the problem is:
i need to export these data to excel automatically from within the VBA the other word, i need to fire this button from inside the VBA code.

Rodel Marasigan
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Sorry Masoud,

I don’t quite understand your query. Can you explain it a bit detail and gave me an example so I can help you further?
Do you want a pop up form to gave you the % complete or export it to excel spreadsheet?

Rodel Marasigan
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Hi masoud,

Im not sure how good are you in writing Visual Basic in MSP. I assumed that you are familiar on this command. You can check this sample and use as a guide.

MapEdit Name:="Map 1", Create:=True, OverwriteExisting:=True, DataCategory:=0, CategoryEnabled:=True, TableName:="Task_Table1", FieldName:="ID", ExternalFieldName:="ID", ExportFilter:="All Tasks", ImportMethod:=0, HeaderRow:=True, AssignmentData:=False, TextDelimiter:=Chr$(9), TextFileOrigin:=0, UseHtmlTemplate:=False, TemplateFile:="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates\1033\Microsoft Project Web\Centered Mist Dark.html", IncludeImage:=False
MapEdit Name:="Map 1", DataCategory:=0, FieldName:="Name", ExternalFieldName:="Name"
MapEdit Name:="Map 1", DataCategory:=0, FieldName:="Early Start", ExternalFieldName:="Early_Start"
MapEdit Name:="Map 1", DataCategory:=0, FieldName:="Early Finish", ExternalFieldName:="Early_Finish"
MapEdit Name:="Map 1", DataCategory:=0, FieldName:="Duration", ExternalFieldName:="Duration"
FileSaveAs Name:="C:\sample2.xls", FormatID:="MSProject.XLS5", map:="Map 1"

This samples export ID, Name, ES, EF and duration to sample2.xls. I’m not sure what data you required or need to extract in Task_Table.

masoud rahimian
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thanks a lot for your code snippet.I am familiar with many of MSP object model methods such as UPDATEPROJECT method or EDITCOPY method,but there is not any standard msp method that work like pressing "Analysis time scaled data in excel" button in msp environment.

by another word,is there any method to find out %complete of a rescheduled and/or splited task?

i want to find it from inside of vba method in daily basis

masoud rahimian
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dear Alexandre Faulx-Briole
i think,i must described the problem:
i want to exporting the values to excel and do something, faster and automated.
i can write some macros and OLE to msp to do some thing like adding tasks, i want to export these data automatically

best wishes
masoud rahimian
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is there any way to call"analysis in excel" button from inside a VB program.i need to automate the senario.

James Griffiths
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Use the ANALYSIS toolbar. It’s quite simple.

Brad Lord
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hi mark

give me a call 07929 642107 and i will talk you through it hate explaing things by email/text

