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Creating Cost Curves

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Kelly Randolph
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What is the best way to filter payment milestones in MS Project and export to Excel to create monthly or 3 month rolling S curve forcast?


IC Quiamco
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Create a customs field, mark the task/item you want to include in your filtering.

Then go to Tools,customize,toolbars and click analysis new set of toolbars appear.

Click analyze timescaled data in excel, pick current selected task, select the field to be exported (cummulative cost), date range, units (days, weeks, months etc.), next, export data.

There you have you have your S-curve, just edit it to suit to your desire format.

you can also combine it with other fields.
Raj Maurya
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You combined two thing in a single question as I understand. If you want 3 month look ahead schedule (Task) to export into excel or you want to export 3 months resource or cost profile (resources or cost data distribution) to make S curve in excel. In first case it is very simple create new filter as per your need then export. In second case after filtering change the view to task usage then export distributed work in excel. In case of only milestones also you can create new filter for 3 months. Hope this will solve your problem.
Forum Guest
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Use any following way to automatically select these particular milestones: put Indicator # n field to YES, MARK the tasks
Create a filter that will consider only those tasks
Create a Export Map with this filter
You could try also the macro "Time distributed data" to export filtered informations into Excel
Alexandre Faulx-Briole