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Negative cost

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Dylan Wan, PMP EVP
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I found that you can enter a negative value in the baseline cost and all cost columns.

Do you ever use the negative cost value in Microsoft Project?


Chris Oggham
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I don’t recall ever having needed to do this in MS Project, as by default Actual Costs are calculated by the software. However, you may be able to do what you want this way.

Click on the View menu and select Task Usage.
Click on the View menu again, point at Table and click on Cost.

Now click on the Format menu, click on Detail Styles and then select the Usage Details tab.
Hold down CTRL and in the Available Fields list, click on Actual Cost, Baseline Cost and Cost, then click Show, click OK.

Click on the Tools menu, select Options, click on the Calculation tab and uncheck the Actual Costs are always calculated by Microsoft Project check box, click OK.

You will now be able to enter Task Name, Fixed Cost, Actual Cost, and Baseline Cost all of the Cost fields will accept negative values.

Chris Oggham