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Posting mail to the user by refering a deadline

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Ajit m
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Hi all,
I use MSP2002 for preparing plans.
I have a schedule with list of tasks finishing on fixed deadlines.
For a list of fixed tasks, there is a project leader and under him a set of team members (resources)used to work.
What I wanna do is to send a mail (automatically) to the Project leader on the perticular deadline his work is planned to be finished.

Can some1 help me to write a macro or as how to integrate MSP with Outlook.



Jaco Stadler
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I just would like to confirm if you have had a look at MS standard options.

1) When you assign resources you have used your address book. (From Outlook)

2) Have you used a command called Team Status - (Tools - Workgroup-Team Status)

This will allow you to send a email to who ever you have selected (From the resource assignment) in a specified period for work to complete.


Ajit m
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u r absolutely right...thats too late...but not that late to communicate the last reminder!

Ok...can you tell me as how to send a reminder automatically then?

Sorry but I ve been asked to do this and having nuts in mind!

Steven Oliver
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Isnt that a little late ?