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assigning resources

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User offline. Last seen 1 year 38 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi, all

I have a problem

How I can assigning resources to task, but not one by one?

there is a method " copy and paste " to assiginig resources to task.

I have each taks with their resources in excell format, but I want asigning to task in msproject.

How I get?



Erik Jonker
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when you paste from excel to the resource usage view, open up the work collumn.


Erik Jonker
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Use Alexandre’s method of pasting an excel file with the resources seperated by commas in the resource name collumn.

If you want the activities to be fixed work, but not effort driven, do not change the activity type collumn from fixed duration before pasting the resources.

After you have pasted all the resources, change the effort driven collumn to no.

Then you change the activity type collumn to fixed work.

If you just change the activity type collumn to fixed work, the resourve remains effort driven, this can become a problem when the work is in progress and you want to change your durations etc.

I always start with my activites fixed duration and change it to fixed work in this manner.

Now your resources will be populated, but your UPT will be 100%.

Open the resource usage view and copy the activity ID collumn 1 resource at a time (unless you leave a space between resources and do them all at the same time - not recommended for beginners).

Paste in excel and use a lookup/ sumif function to get the work for that specific resource next to the activity ID. Just make sure that what’s in MSP is exactly in the same order and amount of activites, as in excel.

Paste Back into MSP and your activities will have the correct work to each resource.

Hope this helps, bit complicated but much better than doing it manually.


Will Russell
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You just need to be careful that there is no difference in the name of the same resource on any line as it could lead to duplicate resources. For example “J Bloggs” and “Jo Bloggs” would appear as two different resources even though they are the same person. I had this problem when taking over a plan in my previous job.
You also need to be aware that overwriting resource names already allocated to the task will effect the work/duration/units depending which of these the task is set as being "Fixed".
Luca Basile
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You can also use other methods:
- import from excel or access a file with the resource assignment in BQ (Budget Quantity) or UPT (Unit per Time Period);
- in P3 you can select a group of activities and use the “Insert -> Resource Assignment” function.

Raj Maurya
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Yes, you can copy and paste.Insert a column of resource in your view then copy resorces from excel to MSp altogether. Only thing you make sure if there is more than one resource in one task then keep all resources in one single cell seperated by camma(,). Ohter method is that you can import all the data from excel.