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tracking a task which starts and stops - time by h

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jonathan Rottanburg
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I am new to MS Project (2000).

The situation is as follows. We have a task which needs to be completed. The task is stated on some date and say worked on for 3 hours, it is not yet finished but the resource is relegated to another task. Several days later the resource again completes an amount of time on the task, and may leave it for a few days etc. until the task is complete.

What I would like to do is:
(1) Be able to manually enter the hours which were worked on a particular task as the hours are completed, and get an accurate picture of how long (how many hours) a task took.
(2) I ideally I would like to have another column in which I stated the anticipated time a task was expected to take and then subtract the time taken from the anticipated time and get an idea as to the over or under on the task. If anyone can tell me how to best achieve both 1 & 2 or just 1 or 2 please can you let me know. Thanks, Jonathanr


Will Russell
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(1) Be able to manually enter the hours which were worked on a particular task as the hours are completed, and get an accurate picture of how long (how many hours) a task took.

You can use the task usage view, I prefer to use the Gantt view in the top pane and the task usage view in the bottom pane.
If you right click in the right hand side of the task usage view you can change the information to "work" and "actual work".
Expand the timescale to the relevent extent and you can manually put the hours in.
If you make the task "Fixed Work" than the duration will change accordingly.

(2) I ideally I would like to have another column in which I stated the anticipated time a task was expected to take and then subtract the time taken from the anticipated time and get an idea as to the over or under on the task.

The baseline lends itself to this, if you save a baseline it will save the work and duration as well as start, finish and cost.
The column you will need will be "Duration variance", the difference between baseline and current planned or actual.

Hope this helps,
