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PP Love Letters

7 replies [Last post]
Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 17 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
Joined: 14 Dec 2005
Posts: 4418

Hi Everyone

I have just been plagued by three personal messages from someone on PP who signs as Romina - user name Joy Fabb.

They appear to be offering the prospect sexual services.

Lucky me you might say - but the only erections discussed on PP should those be of steel and concrete.

Can admin please get them off the site?

Best regards

Mike Testro



We have removed Betty Wolf too.

Sorry for this nusance.

PP Team.

Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 17 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
Joined: 14 Dec 2005
Posts: 4418

Hi Mimoune

So have I this morning.

Whatever you do DO NOT give out your email address.

Best regards

Mike Testro

mimoune djouallah
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Posts: 388


i received a message from betty wolf too.

Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 17 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
Joined: 14 Dec 2005
Posts: 4418

Hi David

I got three messages in one day - very exhausting.

I replied to just one with a two word message - one of which was .... off.

On serious note though - your message was issued after the person had been removed from PP.

I don't think you can send personal messages so it must have re joined under a new guise.

In the old days moderators could see the computer ID numbers so we could tell if blocked accounts were being resurrected.

Best regards

Mike Testro

David Bordoli
User offline. Last seen 8 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 8 Apr 2002
Posts: 416

Joy, aka Romina, is persistent - or maybe desperate.

Must be the latter as I have just received a message from Joy too (10 January 2012) - I guess she must have worn Mike out and is looking for someone new!

Happy New Year everyone.


Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 7 weeks ago. Offline

I didn't get any messages.

I knew it was a mistake letting you put my photo on here.

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the head's up.  We have removed the user and reprimanded him / her. 

We'll pass a development action to our web-team to find a way to limit how many messages a user can send in a given period to prevent such people spamming us etc.

Thanks and Keep up the Great Work.
