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Scam reached PP!!

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Karim Mounir
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Hi all,

I’ve received a private message today from someone in AF.TG (his details with me), he offered to share usd$17.5m (65%/35% basis) for my services which will be to assist him in reclaiming this amount from a bank account of a foreigner dead man!!!

I searched the internet and found that some people received this email on their mail account but with other figures and other senders and all of that was SCAM but this is the first time (for me) in PP to receive such thing, so be aware.



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I should be



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Thanks PP Admin,

You dont a great job.

I will sent a good signal to swindlers, not to infiltrate our belove planet.

Cheers to all and

Happy Planning.


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Hi Team,

We have removed 4 member accounts so hopefully we have got them all!

We have an action to stop large numbers of private messages being sent by a single person. This should help us also.

Spam on PP. Whats the world coming too!!

KongChung Chan
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I was happy with what Monica Jena sent to me, even though I knew it was probably a mass mailing.

If the book is to be thrown, it must be to those Nigerian style "Please help me to get my millions out and 30 percent for you" rubbish.

Vishwas Bindigana...
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What Monica Jena sent was something to do with Planning. But, I agree - it shouldn’t be PM-ed to PP Members. PP Admin should set up a seperate page for such things (just like "Job Page").

I guess effective policing will help prevent scam messages like the one Karim got.

Happy Planning

Chris Oggham
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Hi David,

Yes I saw the sales pitch from Monica Jena as well. I’m afraid I must be extremely cynical, as whenever I get something like that, unsolicited through Planning Planet, I delete it after giving it just a cursory scan. It’s a case of nice try Monica but no cigar.

The case that Karim highlighted is something rather more serious, and I only hope PP Admin are taking steps to dispose of the originator.

David Bordoli
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When I received this PM I thought it was from Charlie... I thought perhaps he had already tired of the Joseph alias.

Whilst this PM is an obvious scam I am a little saddened that there is now blatant marketeering going on using PlanningPlanet as the vehicle. For instance, did anyone else receive the one from monica jena located in United States ( New York ), who is member No. 17487.

It was a well crafted plug for a bit of 3D software masquerading as a PM.

Our lives are full enough with junk as it is (c/f Charlie) isn’t there any way the PP machine can identify PMs that are sent to loads of members at the same time?
Karim Mounir
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Hi Charlie,

I sent a private message to PP # 1 yesterday regarding this but when I checked today I found that the person who sent me the scam is still listed.

I don’t think that this person is actually related to planning or even engineering at all, so I think it’ll not harm anyone to mention his name on the contrary as u suggested it may alert others not to believe such things therefore here is his details:

philip kenn located in , who is member No. 20536 of the Planning Planet website.

And for the PP admin please remove his membership ASAP.

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Indeed you have to inform not only PP Admin but the whole PP community.

As you are aware, some PP members are alias, not there real name. Some are cowards to stand on there belief.

But in this case, this is scam imported from countries notorious for scammers or swindler.

It will be of great service to name the said personality with evidence in this way it will be known to anyone not to use our beloved planet PP to attained immoral money making activities.

Please let us know the name. Also the name should be barred and delisted from our roster.


Karim Mounir
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Hi Chris,

He is indeed a PP member (a recent membership).
Anyway I’ll do as u’ve suggested, that kind of behavior should be terminated in its early beginning.

Chris Oggham
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Hi Karim,

If this person is a PP member, please send their details in a private message to PP Admin so that they can take the appropriate action.
