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Yearly meeting

18 replies [Last post]
Mehdi Rashidi Ala...
User offline. Last seen 1 week 6 days ago. Offline
Dear all,
I suggest that a yearly meeting be held for all members based on site manager’s idea.

Best Regards


Mehdi Rashidi Ala...
User offline. Last seen 1 week 6 days ago. Offline
Dear all,
Thank’s for your idea.
I think we must establish a Virtual Network Team based on web based design.
Also we insert some option in this site, such as our pictures, Our note book, Our Favorities and etc.
Jerry Alivio
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Hi! Philip,

Congtatulation!!!! South Africa will be the next venue for the "World Cup Event" Cheers to Mandela I like Him he’s a good leader, never give up tell he got what the people wants.


Philip Jonker
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Hi Guys,

How do you eat an Elephant? One bite at a time.

The point is have regional meetings in each country, select a representative to go to to the national meeting, and anybody else who can afford it is welcome. Group neighbouring countries, and form groups, and the same principle applies, Selected members can attend, and anybody else who has the bucks. In every instance the selected members have the proxy and speaks for their region or country, and the one’s who make the most sense is voted for. The guys who have the bucks, and can attend, go as observers, to learn how they can contribute, and maybe win the next election, also partake in the fun and the piss-up’s.
The next stage is the international conferences, at which all the previous principles applies.

My suggestion for 2010 is South Africa, some time around June, to give the added benefit of the world cup soccer, and 2006 Qatar to see the Asian games. Figure out the rest for yourself, but make sure planning is always the winner.

Jerry Alivio
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Hi! Chris,

Regional should be fine.

Hello Nigel, it’s a good idea, can be Regional.


Chris Oggham
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Hi Nige,

I think your idea of regional meetings is a good one. The reduced traveling will make it more attractive to more people. As you pointed out there’s nothing to prevent a worldwide meeting as well, and if the regional meetings are successful, people will commit more readily to the worldwide one.

Good thinking

Chris Oggham
Nigel Winkley
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Why do we have to have just one meeting? Days of travel for some...

What about a European, Asian, African etc? Nothing to stop an annual All The World but regional makes some sort of sense as well.

Any thoughts?

Jerry Alivio
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Hi! Guys,

What if we create a standard criteria for the selection of the Venue, that should be agreed by all parties. Because this will be a big and annual event.

Does anybody got an idea? can we do by majority?

Just a suggestion.

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Hi Clive,

Yearly meeting in Malaysia will be cheaper to a lot of PP members living in different countries. For visa, the citizen of 10 ASEAN member countries (Philippines,Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Brunei, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Burma and Malaysi) can enter and stay in Malaysia visa free for 30 days maximum. to exxagerate a little, the Thais and singaporean will walk to Malaysia, the Filipinos and Indonesian will swim to Malaysia. So, it will be cheaper for us.

Other nationality (EU, UK, USA, SA, Commonwealth countries, Aust, etc) can also enter Malaysia with visa upon arrival.

It will maximize the PP member that will attend the yearly meeting.


Shahzad Munawar
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Blair - mindblowing thought on yearly meeting.
Gwen Blair
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Too late. First meeting held in the Dutch Mill Aberdeen Feb 2006. Been and gone. Cant remember much except that a lot of alcohol was consumed, the Shabaz curry and welcome surpassed its usual standard and I needed 48 hours to detox.
Will pass MOM to the interested.
Clive Randall
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What about Dubai Charlie
Understand its really busy at the moment
Chris Oggham
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Yes Malaysia does sound good, but then so do Brazil, South Africa, Norway and a load of others. If we really want to make this happen, we are going to have to consider places that people can get to relatively easily.

Not only that, we would have to consider the timing as well. If we want to achieve anything, we are going to have to set aside a couple of weeks, so this would have to be balanced carefully against our work commitments.

We should also have a clear idea of the aim of this meeting, what it is intended to achieve and how we propose to achieve it. This is, perhaps the most important. If we don’t get this right, then even if we find a destination and time suitable for most people, when we get there things will just degenerate into a load of people talking at cross purposes, or some individual trying to impose his or her opinions on everyone else.

Chris Oggham
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Hello to all,

Malaysia is a nice place, ambience from traditionally trully Asia to cosmopolitan/metropolitan. Also, the country is tolerant with mix race of Malays, Chinese, Indians (mostly Tamils), Portugese, etc.

Also, it is cheaper place to live compare to other countries with the same level of tourist attractions. A lot of citizens from a lot of different countries can avail of tourist visa for 15 to 30 days upon arrival.

I wish this will push materialize.


Raja Izat Raja Ib...
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i suggest around asia much cheaper....
Shahzad Munawar
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Yes Chris, where these meetings be held?

In this respect one suggestion is that despite we conduct a yearly meeting there should be yearly review of planning planet forum and give suggestion for its improvement keeping in view previous year progress.
Chris Oggham
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Where and when do you suggest this meeting be held? Bear in mind that members are situated all over the world from Australia to Alaska. Also that some governments have placed restrictions on their citizens regarding travel to certain countries.

Chris Oggham
Mehdi Rashidi Ala...
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Marcio Sampaio
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Do all site have a manager??