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Tips on using this forum..

(1) Explain your problem, don't simply post "This isn't working". What were you doing when you faced the problem? What have you tried to resolve - did you look for a solution using "Search" ? Has it happened just once or several times?

(2) It's also good to get feedback when a solution is found, return to the original post to explain how it was resolved so that more people can also use the results.

Best Idea of the week, months and year

71 replies [Last post]
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Hello to all

I think one way to develop interest in PP is to acknowledge the best thread or idea for the week, then for the month, then for the year.

We can throw in a lot of ideas but the best ever will be acknowledge. with more that 11,000 members and growing big as days go on, some bright ideas about planning that have been lurking in the back of their brains may someday come up.

We can formulate the rules in voting for the best ever. Also maybe we can connent with corporate sponsors to give some price.

Only a humble idea that may someday have relevance in the meaning of being Planning Planet member




Chris Oggham
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I completely agree with you. If Charlie wants to decide on what is acceptable or not acceptable on a forum, all he has to do is set up his own, then he can lay down whatever standards he wants, but not on Planning Planet.

Until he actually said what was troubling him, I really did have no idea what he was talking about. Gwen`s humorous off-the-cuff remark a "green joke"? What rubbish! Perhaps Charlie should remember the old saying: "To the pure all things are pure." If Charlie sees anything sexual or dirty in Gwen`s remark it says rather more about his mind than Gwen`s remark.

I really think Charlie sees himself as "Mr Planning Planet" and wants to coerce everyone into adopting his own peculiar viewpoint. You’d think as a planner he would know that in project work you don’t adopt a course of action which is never going to work.


Chris Oggham
Clive Randall
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You have aroused Charlie
Feel free to respond in that overtly sexual manner cloned from years at the kitchen stove
I truly believe that universal sufferage is bad and that the emancipation of women is a good idea.
This also is a green joke maybe.
I await your response Gwen.

Major Charlie
I note that you have taken on the role of defining what is acceptable to PP
I assume that this dictatorial approach falls in line with your concept of democracy.
It would appear from what you say that women have no part to play in construction and their role is merely to produce the little boy planner.
However the little boy hopefully is not the generation of new planners.
A glued up waif whose idea and experience revolves around the software, yuk yuk double yuk
Give me the Dagenham builder for the crack any day
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Hi Gordon,

The "GREEN JOKES" im refering is the post by GWEN BLAIR.

Do you have a problem with that?

On behalf of PP, it is a problem.

This is not a pornographic site. Any connotation of sexuality should not be entertain or taboo.

But then this is PP, only the moderator can police.

On the other hand, on behalf of the ladies out their that feel insulted on those post, let me assure that it is not the goal of PP to expose sexuality in these forum.

If only Gwen will look at the left hand corner of Planning Planet, the initiator of PP use that mascot because the boy is so innocene. He is only interested in "NETWORKING PLANNING, PROGRAMMING & CONTROL’S PROFESSIONAL AROUND THE WORLD".

I always picture that boy to be the new generation of planner: planning mindset and computer suavy.


Gordon Blair
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... a gooseberry in a lift.

..I’ll get me coat....
Gordon Blair
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I’m guessing that post 68 was directed partially at me, but I only know 1 "Green Joke"....

What’s green, hairy, and goes up and down?....
Edgar Ariete
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Hi Charlie,

I supposed to bring you flowers but you’re not sick I guess.
BTW, what’s next when you’re in love with planning?

Are you getting married Charlie?


Chris Oggham
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Hi Vishwas,

Charlie is absolutely correct, he did start that thread on 27th November 2005. To date, no-one else has participated, possibly because they didn’t think it was a good idea, didn’t find it relevant or amusing or maybe something else. So I don’t know where Charlie is finding these impertinent and "green" jokes.

I can’t see what American English has got to do with it, or any other language for that matter, unless Charlie objects to English being the working language of Planning Planet. If that is the case Charlie could always set up his own forum using whatever language he liked, mind you it would probably get the same amount of participation in that as in the thread he set up.


Chris Oggham
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Hello Vishwas,


I just dont know why they started posting impertinent and "Green Jokes".

Maybe they got lost and dont understand the english language. Too bad, some of these post comes from native english speaker.

Maybe they should consider or it is high time for them to start understanding the "AMERICAN ENGLISH".

But then they feel it an insult to even dare to start understanding the American English considering that US of America was there former colony.

How about if these native english speaking lost soul started learning HINDI. What do you think?

These could be the best idea of the week in the sense that irrelevant post will start to disappear in PP thread.

Vishwas Bindigana...
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How about having a seperate heading for posting Planning Jokes?? (Or, do you think our forum discussions have already enough of them??)


p.s. - Gwen, great LEAP from the STOVE to SITE!!

Happy Planning, anywaz!!
Gwen Blair
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Plethora of Planners!

To to original thread, best idea of the week, month, year, Lifespan.

Mine has to be leaving a staff job to go contracting. Its not for everyone mind you. Until I made that move, job security/stay at home was of prime importance.

Then some God damned frog Contractor kissed me and when I awoke I had been air press ganged to site.
Clive Randall
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Ground control to major Charlie
I like that Oscar
Oscar Wilde
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Where are you
are you with major Tom
Clive Randall
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I read it 2 before it was moderately deleted
I 2 am blushing
Nice to see that indeed the renaissance lady can be dragged back to the stove if there is suitable interest in the kitchen and the rates are right.

Was the spelling correct or are we all on the wrong side of the quiche

Bernard Ertl
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lol @ Gwen

Bernard Ertl
InterPlan Systems
Gwen Blair
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Glad you read that before it was modified by deleter or should that be deleted by the modifier.
Oscar Wilde
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Im blushing all over
Chris Oggham
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Quite an interesting site, but then again the majority of people do try to develop their capacities and improve their knowledge. I`ve frequently noted in posts by you and Philip and many others as well references to recent learning experiences.

I think that this is possibly what is meant by Uomo Universale, someone who tries to learn from every experience in their life; someone capable of exploring new vistas instead of closing their mind to any opinion but their own.

As far as the term "Renaissance Man" not applying to women. If we trace the meaning of the word "Man" back a bit further, it turns out to be not gender specific. Man, originally, just meant person, so both male and female can be "Renaissance Man".


Chris Oggham
Gwen Blair
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All day rates being equal, you (figuratively speaking of course) would have no problem dragging me back to the stove!
A welcome break.

Know why Lady planners have the edge on others?

We are used to juggling more than two balls at a time.

Clive Randall
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Did you mean Uomo (the embodiement of the educated man who can spell) if so this gives an idea of a start point

Not sure our lady planners would like the idea too much
seems to drag them away from their computers back to the stove where in the middle ages it was assumed they belonged.

Clive Randall
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Oscar Wilde was post 42 not Philip
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Hello To All,

It is now 01 February 2006, 11:00 AM, and so

The month of January 2006 past

And I recommend the best idea of the Month: January 2006 is Mr. Philip Jonker reply # 42.

My wholehearted congratulation to Philip. May you continue to share the essence of planning unselfishly that comes deep in your heart as we move on to "IMPROVE PLANNING PLANET".

Cheers to all, PP
Clive Randall
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Philip suggested a large dose of common sense?
Others have suggested the same in other threads
Seems that much of what you have agreed with this time you have disagreed with in the recent past
Dont need latin to tell what smells worst on the farm just stick your nose in the air.
Common sense
Turn the oven on before you bake the bread
Start the car before you engage gear
Study the drawings spec and available information before you turn on the computer.
All planning is really common sense
Some of us are not common enough to have any though
thats why labourers are usefull there dead common
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Hello to All,

I read Philip Jonker Reply #42 in the Main Thread Planning and Programming Training, with sub thread How Detailed Should a Programme be ...?

In my opinion, Philip summarize the essence of "PLANNER UMNO UNIVERSALE" The Universal Planner.

Not all planner will attain the essence of PLANNER UNMO UNIVERSALE. This is a quest for all specially to the young planners out there. For the young once, all is not yet lost.

The acid test for a Planner Unmo Universale revolve in a multi-national and multi-cultural environment.

I wanted to open a new thread "THE QUEST FOR PLANNER UNMO UNIVERSALE. Basically, the thread will share real life experience as planner with emphasis in the barriers to the attainment of PLANNER UNMO UNIVERSALE including How to overcome the barriers.



Philip Jonker
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Hi Andy,
This is no joke, I think you should have ID 007, and become the PP website expert on shortcuts.


Clive Randall
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Does that meen when you go to ctrl+shift+k
you are only shouting a little bit
PS have you got an anorak maybe a parka
Good on you mate
Philip Jonker
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Hi Raja,

It is not me in the wine making website, but a distant relation. If you are are interested, send me your address, and I will organise you a bottle, it is very good wine, and fairly scarce.


Andy McLean-Reid
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Honest there are dozens of them:


Gives you mini capital letters.

I’ll get me coat.............
Oscar Wilde
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What colour is your anorak
Surely u can remember these common key strokes do you really look at the mouse mat
Andy McLean-Reid
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Not sure if this is the right place to post this but.................

If you are in the UK, ComputerActive magazine is giving away a free mousemat which has all the MS shortcuts listed, such as ctrl+c for copy etc.

13th - 26th October edition, only £1.40.

Just thought I’d share as I find it kinda cool.

PS: Yes - I am a nerd, I like Star Trek and everything :-)
Darrell ODea
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Fare play, it was an idea, and at least you have sparked some discussion. Setting up and maintaining a web site and especially a forum, is simple but not easy.
Why not have a try yourself? Let us know how you progress with it all, seriously. I for one would love a job that I do remotely and get well paid for (No scrap that, I for one would love a job doing very little and get paid for).

On the other hand, would the world stop if the PPlanet stopped. It is a fantastic resourse for us all. Commercialisation has a way of taking a little away ever day from "Good Resources", in my humble opinion.

And before you ask, yes I/We have a web site (without a chat forum). But we do take email & respond, it is free to register & simple to access. We don’t charge, so we don’t mind if people come and go at their own leisure.


ps. Have no idea at present on how better to improve this resource.
Oscar Wilde
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Dear Gary
Under the planning forum rules im not allowed to use real names am I ????
Gary France
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Oscar, you crack me up, but I think you may mean Victor Meldrew.

Good one.

Oscar Wilde
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Charlie missing the point



AKA Oscar
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Hello to All,

For the record, i did not hint of membership fee.

I’m out the moment PP will start charging membership fee.

I like PP because its free and also, a lot of other reason that may be revealed someday.

There must be a solution on how PP can have a full time staff.



pmkb .
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There are lots of discussion forums/sites available on the internet that offer free membership/participation. I know of several that are supported by different means:
  • by advertising:,,,
  • by a parent company/organization: (IIL), (PMI)
  • by owner’s pocket:,
Every web site on the internet has to pay for domain registration (a pittance) and server resources (bandwidth/storage). At some point, mature forums become expensive to run. I for one do not mind seeing advertising (unobtrusive and tastefully done) on a web site if it helps ensure that a good resource will remain available and free for use.

Participate in the Project Management Knowledge Base!
Raja Izat Raja Ib...
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Hi all,
Actually i like with this post thread and I agreed with Charles post, but its seems the topic already divert from origin topic.

I would like suggest to PP to make a tile/split form which we can see the question and answer at the same time.

I want to answer for post#37 and i have to look at Post#7 for the question, its seems difficult to answer and to look another page.
Sen Moc
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I’m not sure if I’ll be joining PP if here will be a membership fee.

Well, maybe... if my company will sponsor me. :-)

(How about you, guys?)

Chris Oggham
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I really do think you have missed the point. The reason Planning Planet is so successful is because people want to be part of it. That’s why people volunteer to work on the site, to act as Moderators and keep the site functioning.

If Planning Planet were to commercialise, it might be necessary to charge a fee for membership, this would cause a lot of people to think twice about becoming members. One of PP’s great attractions is that it is free.

In his post #31, Alex pointed out the differences between PP and certain commercial sites, structured along the lines you have suggested. Lots of advertisements, competitions and so forth and an inferior quality in the standard of the posts.

Please remember that the primary purpose of commercial organisations is to make money, while the primary purpose of Planning Planet is to help Project planning Professionals get better at what they do.

Chris Oggham
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Hello to Alex and Chris,

If you look back on the basis of my wild idea or dream regarding commercialization of PP, the only reason I gave is to have full time staff (with monthly salary of USD 5,000.00) instead of volunters.

Is it not reasonable to pay full time staff instead of volunters.

PP is growing and it needs to address its relevance to all members, relevance today, tommorow, ten years from now.

Do you think the present set-up will stand the test of time. There maybe none visible defects that needs to be fix at the present, but there could be latent structural defects with the present set-up.

The meaning of this thread is "Improving Planning Planet Website". It was PP founders wisdom to create this thread because of the nescesity to Improve thru changes for the best.

Any idea from you guys, then, post it. PP NEEDS YOU TO POST YOUR BRIGHT IDEAS.


Chris Oggham
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You summed it up brilliantly and I completely agree with you.

Chris Oggham
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Hello to all,

I think we drifted from the main thread. The thread is about "improving planning planet website". Post 1 is about "best idea of the week ..." then the sidekick is about commercialization of PP.

This is what i notice in PP, jumping from one idea to another idea in threads. While this is a hallmark of vibrant forum and social discussion, it is preferable to focus on one subject at a time.



We need to agree on a criteria. I may suggest that the criteria on the best idea of the week is that idea that help improve the voting planner. In this way no one will question his or her choice since that is how the voting planner perceive that the idea help him or her.


Alex Wong
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Hi PPs

I like to share my views as well.

I spend approx. 2 hrs per day browsing the PP site typing a message, look at forum postings. My point is the best reward that I find in PP is the knowledge base and I find my 2 hrs is well spent. By having reading and writing message, I learn new things everyday.

And what I like about PP is It does not have any Ad, Sponsors or any money value attach to the site. That make the site more .... "Genuine" to me.

I visit some of the commercial site where it is a very different environments, attract members, advertisement, competitions, luck draw ... and when you see some of its posting you will find the sprit is very different, and the quality of message as well. In here you will see some very long post, especially in the Claims area. Why PPs spend so much time helping each other? and What benefits we can get??

IMHO I think this is what makes Planning Planet differ from others.


Edgar Ariete
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Hi Guys,

It seems that the bars are affecting you too much. That’s not good in Planning. Sobriety is one of the essences of planning. And planning has only one direction, although it has a lot of blending to consider, it will only summarize to one objective...besides, I only knew one person who can do that (I think you also knew him).

By the way, what do you really want here? No Subject Specified...? And you wanted some changes...Why? Are you not happy with what you got right now? Well, that’s instinct, but that’s different from planning. Planning can only be effective if it is controlled...& do you know who’s controlling the so-called Control?..."Decisiveness"...& who do you think can only do that? If you got some religion then, you got to believe...and do you think all of you here got the same belief?

Everything in this f...n wild world differs. Just like your fingers & the prints on it (just like projects)...That’s why planning is endless...unlike steel, there’s always an end & a parallel...& what do you think is suppose to be parallel with planning?...Science?...

Well, it’s now time for some reflections...

have a good time...
Raja Izat Raja Ib...
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Hi Chris,
U also right but this is the best way to get more information and knowledge(from diffrent country, type of project etc) , by finding which post is much value and can be implement it can build our open mind with creativity ideas. Free is good but is it very valuable to the members, is the post thread can be use? or just a trash.

Ps. Not for arguing..just for discusion thread... Sorry i dont know to fight back in english... so better i tell the truth. Ha Ha ...Still learnng from U guys to Learn the communication skill.
Chris Oggham
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Hi Charlie,

First of all, a question. Do you thoroughly read the replies that people make to your posts? I suspect not, because if you did you would not accuse me of trying to shoot down your idea. I’m not doing that, what I’m trying to do is get you to tell us why your idea should be adopted. Even with your latest post you haven’t done this, all you do is try to dismiss any point of view that does not agree with your own. This really isn’t acceptable.

If you can give the reasons why your idea should be adopted, then please do so. As you stated we’re all busy making a living to support our families, so take your own advice and focus, stop the platitudes and trite remarks, make your case and stop wasting resource.

Chris Oggham
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Hello Chris,

Please focus on the meaning as stated in the English language and you will be able to contribute bright idea on how to "Improve Planning Planet Website".

There is no point in shooting down ideas for free when you can not offer alternatives ideas that shall also be free. Your approach will not work.

This is reactive planning.

You have to understand that we are all busy making a living for our family. To expound an idea in one go is not practical.

To instill a climate of negativism will lead us to nowhere.

This is free idea, just relax, be calm and let your imagination run wild. Whatever idea that comes your mind, post it in PP, in this particular thread. I believe you will come up with bright idea on how to IMPROVE PLANING PLANNET, maybe the brightest.

We in PP can only hope it will be for free.


Chris Oggham
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Hi Charlie,

You’ve really missed the point, I’m afraid. Of course in order to improve things have to change, but not all change means improvement. The changes you have suggested would not, I believe, improve Planning Planet as, instead of trying to help each other, members would be concentrating on securing rewards.

You say my post #21 has no basis; sorry Charlie, but when someone disagrees with you you can’t just dismiss them out of hand. Which part of post #21 has no basis and why? It’s by the rational exchange of ideas that change for improvement is achieved. Silly admonitions to "Please take note of the main thread" do not contribute anything useful, nor will repeating trite generalisations.

You have an idea for improving Planning Planet. OK, now justify why that idea should be adopted, counter differing points of view, show the benefits that would accrue. Show also how any dis-benefits could be mitigated. Until you can do that with sound facts and reasoned arguments you won’t get anywhere.

Chris Oggham
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Hello Chris,

Refer to your Post # 21.

Please take note of the main thread "IMPROVING PLANNING PLANET WEBSITE"

Your idea as per post #21 has no basis since to improve is to change. Improving Planning Planet Website means Planning Planet will change.

The worst will happen in the event Planning Planet will maintain the status quo. To attain improvement is to change for the best.

Edgar Ariete
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Dear Planners,

Please allow me to share my humble view (for FREE)with regards to Planning as a part of, or as a way of life.

Planning might be classified into three (3) categories as follows:

1. Engineering Planning - This is what we may call formal planning as it needs some technical expertise & some kind of sophistication. This is where we use the so-called Planning software (whatever it is).

2. Practical Planning - Experience might be the foundation of this category, but this is a fundamental part of the above (1) & our daily activities as a living component of this planet.

3. Family Planning - This one is self explanatory, but for those who aimed to make the 1st category as his/her bread & butter, I suggest you start to learn from this 3rd one. This is the basic.


p.s. the above was a product of a thorough examination of the bars (not blinded by science)...
Chris Oggham
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Hi Raja,

You’re quite right when you say that we have to accept change, but we should not necessarily change something just because we can. There have to be sound reasons for change, and even then sometimes change must be deferred or even refused if there are dis-benefits generated by it.

You ask is there anything free - yes, Planning Planet.

Chris Oggham

Raja Izat Raja Ib...
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Hi Chris,
the idea is we have to accept changes, Everything in this world "change". we dont have to wait until broke, then we going to do somthing. Even yahoo website, software also they always upgrade with remarkable ideas to go parallel with the age. Just that... on other part to upgade and changes they also needs some money. Just think about that...... Is there anything for FREE?
Chris Oggham
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Hi Charlie,

Ideas and dreams are fine, but I don’t understand why you want to change the whole basis of Planning Planet. When it was set up, the whole idea of PP was to provide a forum where Project Planners could ask questions, discuss problems and share their knowledge and experience for free.

If PP was to commercialise, then it would have to compete against the thousands of established organisations who already offer Project Planning consultancy and advice. Beacause it was not set up initially on a commercial basis, PP would be at a distinct disadvantage, and the chances are it would fail within six to twelve months, leaving Project Planners worldwide without a valuable resource.

You’re obviously a switched-on guy, so if you think a forum like PP could be marketable and commercially viable, why not set one up yourself? I’m sure that there are PP members who would be more than happy to help you get started.

As for Planning Planet itself, I think perhaps you should consider two things:
1) The words of Bert Lance - "If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it."
2) The fact that Planning Planet ain’t broke.

Chris Oggham
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Hi Raja,

We will just accept whatever happen to our idea for free.

As we all aware PP is run by volunteers, These volunter also have work for their family to live.

Why can’t we make PP commercially viable. How about a new thread on how to make PP commercially viable. This is only sharing idea. The bottomline is "how PP can afford to hire full time people with monthly salary of 5000 USD per month. What do you think.

Just an idea or a dream, IMHO.

Raja Izat Raja Ib...
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Any helping hand to put subject...please

Hi charles,
no response from PP admin to gave a reply...its seems wasted selling idea for free...
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It is still very hard to vote because no rules extablish.

for example what constitue a week.

In this part of the world the week start on Saturday to Thursday while in other parts of the world the week start on Monday to Sunday.

A little compromise is good for PP.


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Hi Philip,

Your really a planner. You did mention "line of balance", wow

It is wow because i did not think of it.

One extreme is to eliminate a vote to the effect " THE BEST IDEA OF THE WEEK IS THE THREAD I POSTED blah blah blah" . This will invite 11,000 ++ boo, boo from PP.

Generally, as engineers we did experience being a sportsman. So it is only natural for us to compete. Hopefully competition will bring out the best ever, only In My Humbe Opinion, (IMHO).

PP miss you Philip, including your threads.


Raja Izat Raja Ib...
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Hi Philip,
nice to hear from you, where have u been... Seemslike u very busy with your wine plant....ha ha. Actually , coincidence see your name in wine making website. Is it true You?
Hi Guys,
Its never better to find, where we are after few years involved in project, thats why on my post thread i focus on how to find out capability and expertise, is achieve target or not?. Any Idea.....
Philip Jonker
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Hi Guys,

An interesting topic. Explain line of balance clearly and concicely, it’s uses, and the disciplines it applies to?????????


Raja Izat Raja Ib...
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I think charles gave a good explaination, as for me if u dont break the shell, how do you know the contents look like, and how you break this shell is up to you, and the purposes to do competition is not for rewards, its about how u exposes your best idea in planning to be acceptable by others members which from diferent countries, company but if there is a rewards , what we going to is bonus. Maybe some of us can continue study o get PMP Cert, P3e / c courses or buy P3e / c software, vacation etc
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Hello Chris,

I share your idea. And this is only one school of thinking.

Another thinking maybe "Competition brings out the best, for PP members also to be the best ever".

Some members who share ideas in PP dont need rewards. Maybe they only want to be recognize in their effort and how it helps others improve their planning skills and their whole life as a whole.

And others really needs the rewards.

The point is we are exploring ways on how to bring out the best from each members of PP.

We do need guidelines on how to work this out to have a fair playing field.


Chris Oggham
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Hi People,

I’m with Shahzad on this one. The strength of PP is that its members share knowledge with each other without thought of reward. Simply to help other planners get better at what they do. I believe that linking to some sort of "prize" for doing this would tend to make people forget the reason that Planning Planet exists, to share information and to help solve problems.

There is a risk that some form of reward could jeopardise the freedom with which the members give of their time and knowledge. By all means introduce some sort of rating system on the various threads if it is thought that this could be useful; but let’s not lose sight of why PP was set up, to share information and knowledge without thought of personal gain.

Chris Oggham
pmkb .
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Most commercial forum software allows members to rate threads so that members can see how the community feels about them. Perhaps the PP could implement something like this.

Also, most commercial forum software allows moderators/administrators to "sticky" important threads so that they always appear at the top of the list of topics/threads.

Participate in the Project Management Knowledge Base!
Raja Izat Raja Ib...
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Hi Charles
Just an idea lah, let say If there is a competition, why not? Just try to find sponsor like Gary France from PEO(or other company), I think he intrested to find calibre planner and try to find best idea of "THE MAking of BEST SCHEDULE". Using SPIDER, P3 /e /c , MSP, Artemis, etc
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Hello Raja, Hello Shazad,

There will be no competition for best idea of the week, month or year.

The idea is to develop interest by acknowlegement of the best idea. The voting is more on each member acknowledgment of the best idea because it help him or her in career development, enlightenment on the ways and methodology of planning, etc.

It is also to show gratitude to the expert that offer their opinion, ideas etc, for free.

Raja Izat Raja Ib...
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shahzad, yes i can see the numbers of members quiet impress, but not for long, what i mean here PP needs to attract PPers for long term to contribute and use PP like using contract/dictionary without bored looking for info. Most of the neww PPers Just come and go like that, after they have what they wanted,The Question is How we going attract new PPers to be like You, Bill, Philip Charles, Vladimir, Alex (the most name i can remember) ?
Shahzad Munawar
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Hi Raja

New members have already been attracted to this site as they learn P3 course or equivalent planning course (refer Planning members list of any country) and happy to become member of this forum.

So such things does not impressive or attractive. We should establish more specific threads on planning issues to expand its circulation.
Raja Izat Raja Ib...
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Actually this idea is very good, to attract new members, and to show the post is valueable and the idea how we interact among PPers to resolve and come out with solution.
Shahzad Munawar
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No competition in respect of best thread of week or month.

Its public Forum so share your knowledge at your best for the benefits of all PP members

Each posting already reflects the extent of your knowledge so no top or down just carry on.
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I forgot the subject.

Is it possible for PP admin to place the subject.

Best Idea of the week, months and year.


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Hi Philip,

Nice to hear from you.

I agree with your suggestion.

Sometimes this happen: the mind is faster than the hand or the hand is faster than the mind.

In planning, it could be both.


Philip Jonker
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I think you are the postee of the subject and as such if you forgot it you deserve the worst punishment in the world, ie let/s have some suggestions. Any planner who forgets should be fired.