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Tips on using this forum..

(1) Explain your problem, don't simply post "This isn't working". What were you doing when you faced the problem? What have you tried to resolve - did you look for a solution using "Search" ? Has it happened just once or several times?

(2) It's also good to get feedback when a solution is found, return to the original post to explain how it was resolved so that more people can also use the results.

To many replies?

17 replies [Last post]
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We have made a small change to this page.

We now have useful hyperlinks which will show us 10 messages per page while allowing us to jump to the next newest (or oldest) set of replies etc.

We have chosen 10 records per page as a default. Is this reasonable?

If anyone has any comments or suggested improvements, please let us know.

We hope this helps us read, review and follow large discussion topics which have many replies etc.

PP Admin


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Great news. Thank you.
Philip Jonker
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Hi PPAdmin,

It seems to be right now, last week it was putting the new posts on the last page.


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Hi Philip,

Thanks for the post. Not sure we fully understand. Have we got things right, or do you think we can still improve things in this pagination / sorting area?

PP Admin
Shahzad Munawar
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Since PP is expanding now a days and replies to thread are also increasing respectively so it become necessary to accomadate many replies to one thread instead of starting a new one which the Admin PP done.

Good Job by PP Admin.

Philip Jonker
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Hi PPAdmin,

I still like the old methods,where your reply is shown to you after your posting, the pagenatiom is great, but leaveve us the oppurtunity, to observe things back to front. ie the latest first and the oldest last. Hope it makes sense, will save you time in deleting double postings.


Gary France
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Dear PP Admin,

Brilliant. The sort facility is just the job. Well done.

Gary France
Vishwas Bindigana...
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Dear PP Admin,

Sorry about this, but I think the the post should be displayed in descending order i.e. last-to-first. The reasons are as follows -

1. It takes a hell-lot of time to open the first page and go down to the last one. Imagine the time it’ll take to display a post which could have originated 10 years earlier - The 1st one is gonna be displayed 1st and the successors are gonna follow being displayed, each taking its own time!!!!
2. Secondly, when one is following a particular topic/post on the forum, he/she would find it frustrating/irritating to skip to the last page when he/she has already read the previous posts.

Anywaz, this is only my opinion. I understand your zeal to improve this planet(!). But, please do consider what I have opinionated.

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Hello PPers,

Thanks for taking the time to offer your suggestions.

We have acted on them and introduced a "Sort by" switch which will (should!) remember your personal preference for oldest-first or newest-first etc.

If anyone finds a problem or bug with this, please let someone here know an we will get it sorted.

Happy Planning !!

PP Admin
Gary France
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Hmmm. I am not sure if I like the first post in a thread being at the top of a page. Personally I like to see what has been said last at the top.

Problem is, if you have been following a thread which is now over many pages, it is off-putting to have to do quite a bit to find what has been said most recently. First you see the original posting, then you have to scroll down to the bottom of that page, click on the "last" link, then after being taken to that page, you have to scroll down again to find the most recent posting.

Can we please go back to the way it was before? If not, is there any way PPers can set their own preferences as to how the postings should be laid out and those preferences are remembered when you log in?

Best wishes.

Gary France

Joshi Niraj
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Right modification in PP - realistically need of today.

Now no long thread be locked or fully replied thread be restarted
Bernard Ertl
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Awesome work. Thanks team!

Bernard Ertl
eTaskMaker Project Planning Software
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Hi Bernard,

Appologies (everyone) for not getting this user-friendly in the first instance. Please let us know if this new approach...

i.e. First Prev 1 2 3 Next Last

... does not make things more usable. We have defaulted it to show the original post at the top of the initial page. Let us know if we should tweak it some more.


PP Admin Team
Bernard Ertl
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I appreciate the thread pagination, but it seems we have lost the ability to view posts from oldest to newest. Reading posts upwards to follow a conversation is not natural.

I hope that the option to display old to new can be restored, perhaps with a full pagination breadcrumb navigation allowing members to jump to a specific page (first, 2, 3, 4, last, etc.).

Bernard Ertl
eTaskMaker Project Planning Software
Raj Maurya
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PP Admin,
Thanks for putting hyperlinks to show the different posts(Oldest/Newest.)
Sukumaran Subaram...
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It is good to have such a useful links.

How about adding some sorting option especially at:
1) Topic title based on alphabetical order.
2) Last post column based on dates.

After we sort the forum based on alphabetical order we still can re-arrange based on latest or earlier dates. Either way whichever the user prefer to view the forum.

Vishwas Bindigana...
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Got a better idea (!) -

Why not install page numbers instead. The moment u click on the the page number of the particular post, u go to that page of the post.

What do u guys say?
Raj Maurya
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Dear PP admin,
It is good to see only limited replies at one time and 10 record at one page is good. I thinks it will be better if you keep the first message at bottom of every desplayed page and rest latest nine messages. This will make clear about the question asked.