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Examples of Logic

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David Watters
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Hi Everyone.

I drop in from time to time on this website, and the biggest question I see a lot of is "How do I do a plan for ...". usually this is preceeded by "I have just go into planning and..."

Would it be a good idea to create a section of the website where people can aks for examples of activity logic and view them, say in a graphical format?

It would be great to see this fab site become a usefull tool for those striking out in the field, where they can explore impartial advice etc.

Any views ?

PS - I know what most will think - Get out there and ask yourself, but when your new to the game, or in a new indusrty, you can not always be sure your getting told the best way or just their way.


Mark Lomas
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We have had other projects suggested by the members, but unfortunately they have not progressed, probably as they require members commitment and work. We (PP) cannot rely solely on the goodwill and spare time of James as he already does a fantastic job with the site for no return.

If you wish to project manage the "file repository" project you are advocating and can recruit a couple of volunteers, it would be a great step forward in the evolution of the site and would be a great example of online community working. I would be happy to review as you go along. Thoughts ?
David Watters
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I may not be an IT guru - But I would like to volunter. If that is akoay with you guys of course. I work away from home you see, and really could do with something constructive in my spare time.
Forum Guest
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Hi there,

Bernard is correct in what he has said. However, the costs and bandwidth are not an issue as the PP site moved to a top-end server which allows us free ranges as par as web traffic goes. The server space may need addressing, but that is a small issue.

The subject of a samples are is a great idea.

The historical problem we all face is finding someone to gather some volunteers and get talking around the issue.

The site is only a reflection of the time and ideas provided by the member pool and personally, I think this place is hard to beat and we have some of the worlds best project controller’s, planners and managers in here. So well done to us all.

To conclude, if someone out there is willing to find the time to think up how this new functionality can work, i.e. to think up page format and a brief statement of how the functionality should be setup, and also to gather some preliminary data, the PPers here would be more than happy to create the pages / skeleton that you propose.

Regards... PP Team.
Bernard Ertl
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Hi David,

The moderators here are all volunteer. Development issues are handled by the Planning Planet team which consists of the owner and possibly some volunteer programmers. They already have quite a bit of work currently in the works.

This idea has been raised before and discussed, but no conclusion has been reached AFAIK. There are many technical issues that need to be resolved if the PP were to offer a file repository. Additionally, a file repository will add significantly to the bandwidth costs for the site. If they become significant, the owner may be forced to consider options for raising revenue from the membership (which I’m sure most would prefer to avoid).

Bernard Ertl
InterPlan Systems - eTaskMaker Project Planning Software
David Watters
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Hellloooooooo! Moderators, where are you?

Any possibility you guys could jump in here and let us all know if this is something you are actively discussing now, or have already reached a conclusion on?

A have seen some great responses from some planneres recently over P3 planning issues, and it can be tricky trying to find the answer your looking for from all the noise of the forum chat, especially when it goes waaaay off track.

I noted, after I had started this thread, that this has been raised before. I am assuming space (on a suitable server) is a major issue. True fo False?
David Watters
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Lots of postings refering to examples of reporting. How about a downloadbale cetre to upload and review examples of progress reports, procurment, construction charts etc?
User offline. Last seen 4 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
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I support the idea, for detail, I propose allow upload one graphic file in the content. The graphic file only in BMP or JPG format, limited file size. Most user have Paintbrush or graphic software can handle, including screen capture.
I’m not prefer other software type due to the file format variety and security.
In current post, we already have graphic, just one more in the cotent area. What’s other idea?