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Tips on using this forum..

(1) Explain your problem, don't simply post "This isn't working". What were you doing when you faced the problem? What have you tried to resolve - did you look for a solution using "Search" ? Has it happened just once or several times?

(2) It's also good to get feedback when a solution is found, return to the original post to explain how it was resolved so that more people can also use the results.

Help Wanted - Planning Police

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We have a few volunteers who are offering their assistance in policing (Planning Police !?) certain of the Forums Categories (ie editing and or answering some of the questions, removing rubbish etc).

If you have an interest in one, or more of these categories, drop a few words down here and we can discuss how ( and to what extent )you can become one of the growing team of Planning Planets Volunteers Some give 10mins a week, and others come along each day. We will soon upload a "bios" page that will show the currently evolving volunteer team. This will give a paragraph about each of the team members, plus a link to their favourite planning website - and possibly a picture if its not too scary.

Did you know that Planning Planet is run, developed and maintained by volunteer project planners?

Regards...Development Team


Sukumaran Subaram...
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If the answer posted by latter PPer is really enhacing the thread, it will be a great knowlegde sharing among the PPers. It will be very usefull for others in their future undertaking with improvising the skill.

One will appreciate the other regardless of continent, nation, race or religion.

Philip Jonker
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Hi Bernard,

I agree with you, but ppers should take some time and think about their postings, when someting is two years old, and the problem has been rectified, maybe answer if you can find a better solution. Don’t just shoot of the hip and find out later the guy you shot was your compatriot.

Some of the old threads are interesting and I spend some of my time reading them. Therefore deletion is not the answer.


Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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Dear Bernard,

Wow!! what a reply, especially on the term "You never know how an old discussion may spark a new idea". So anybody can discuss on anything as long as the discussion is on the topic.


Bernard Ertl
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IMO, there is no problem in posting to an old thread as long as the message is on topic. You never know how an old discussion may spark a new idea.

The beauty of a forum is that discussions may span long periods of time and be open to all, unlike a live conversation or internet chat where participation is limited to individuals who are present at a specific period in time.

Bernard Ertl
eTaskMaker Project Planning Software
Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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If it is the case then what is the solution, all answered threads to be identified by PP Admin and lock the threads?. then the next issue would be how to identify or classify that the thread is ready for locking?. who will advise(may be moderators!!)PP Admin.........
Sukumaran Subaram...
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Let we wake up together and answer all the threads still open for posting. Regardless of the age.

Be Cool!!!

Philip Jonker
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Hi Suku,

Catch a wake up, the post is two and a half years old
Sukumaran Subaram...
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PP Admin,

Can other PPers have the emicon too. The best way is PP Admin prepare list of emicons and let the PPers to choose their preferences from the list. Just to enhance our post.

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Hi again Tamara, Guy, Mark and Bernard,

We now have the fifth member to your team. Ron Winter was one of the first guys to offer to help us all out. We have included him as one of the team. Welcome to Ron and many thanks to you all.

We will now handover control of the forum admin duties to you guys. Let us know what you need from us.

There are still a few bugs in the forum and we have a whole list of development suggestions to implement.

We have created a Private Forum Category in which you / we can make posts and discuss issues?
Ronald Winter
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I also volunteered to moderate via a direct email but obviously, wasn’t accepted. I never heard back one way or the other.

Question? Do you think that it is appropriate to be talking back and forth between the three/four of you about a private administrative matter that only you can see on a permanent bulleting board? Wouldn’t a direct email work better and not confuse the rest of us?
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Hi Ronald / Guys,

On the subject of cookies, PP only assigns a cookie when a user logs in AND the user requests that the system remembers the user name and password, by clicking the "Remember my Login ID" - thus a cookie is created.

As far as I can recall, all of ther functions on the site utilise things called "session variables" rather than cookies.
Mark Lomas
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Ronald, I belive PP have just given the edit function to the four of us that volunteered to moderate forums.
Ronald Winter
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I am logged on (hopefully) and I dont see any edit button. I also leave quite a few anonymous messages while I am logged-on as well. Perhaps it would help to know that I dont allow cookies. I guess that PP is only for those who accept cookies. Perhaps you should list this requirement in the sign-up page.
Bernard Ertl
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Great job guys. With a set of guidelines, we will be set.

Bernard Ertl
InterPlan Systems Inc. - Project Management Software, Project Planning Software
Mark Lomas
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James, editing works. Well done ! Could / should the edit be in a separate colour or font ?
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Hi Guys,

Ooops, sorry.

The script changes were made to allow the Edit Buttons to be shown but we have a further member-related security flag in the edit script that checks some things too. This has been altered too.

It now works ok (I think). James, you are absolutely correct - Mark
Mark Lomas
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Same problem, whilst trying to edit Bernards post
Bernard Ertl
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I can see the Edit buttons. I tested them and they generate a 404 error on my end.

Bernard Ertl
InterPlan Systems Inc. - Project Management Software, Project Planning Software
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Hi again Tamara, Guy, Mark and Bernard,

We have made some forum script changes such that when you are logged-in and you look at the messages within the forum you should now see an "Edit" button next to each message (woohey). This should allow you to edit the "Subject" and the "Message Body". It is a little primitive, but its a start.

For now at least, it will allow you to edit any of the forum messages in any of the forum categories - max flexibility for you heroes !

It was suggested that we place a MVP Page that shows the sites MVPs (Most Valued Planner!!?) picture and a paragraph about that person. If that appeals to you, email out your passport-sized picture, plus a few lines about yourself/expertise, personal website/company email address (if you wish) etc. We will talk more about how we show this on the site later.

On behalf of the team, thanks for your continued support.

If you would like an "emicon" to appear against you posts, drop us that on an email too.
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Tamara, Guy, Mark and Bernard,

Thanks for your kind offers. Between us (and other future volunteers) I am sure we can get this forum really moving.

We will shortly make the script changes to allow all users to be able to edit their own posts with the added functionality that the moderators can edit anyones posts in any of the forums they choose. It has also been suggested that we post some "Forum Rules" - the following have been suggested...

1. No spam. PP already has sections for listing software, consulting services and job opportunities.

2. Keep conversations civil. This is a professional forum. (Note: this is not a problem right now, but would need to be in a policy statement if moderators are to be able to intervene should the need arise)

3. No cross (double) posting. Post once in the most appropriate forum. Double posts in multiple forums should be deleted.

We will get onto this very shortly. Thanks for your continued support and group assistance.
Tamara Sutton
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I too would be willing to help in any forum other than claims. I hate claims.

Guy Hindley
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I am willing to assist. My main topic areas initially would be Planning and Scheduling (toolset independant),Work Definition (wbs and associated dictionaries), Training, and Generic Project Mgt/related EVM issues. Not sure how much time I can give and it would fluctuate depending on current workload.
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If you wish you can have an emicon. I will add it to the list of development "tweaks" to do. No problem.

Development Team
Mark Lomas
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Oooh, promotion to moderator. Does this mean we can use avatars like the Development Team ?

Seriously, guys, I would be happy to moderate:
PM Issues Discussion and
Contracts, Claims and Claims Assessment Discussion
Bernard Ertl
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I would be willing to assist with the following forums:

Planning, Scheduling and Programming Discussion
Project Management Issues

Bernard Ertl
InterPlan Systems Inc. - Project Management Software, Project Planning Software
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Glad it works. Can I leave it to you guys to sort out some guidelines etc - we can post it on a "Guidelines Page" if you wish.

It is up to you how you make changes. Perhaps we can change the script to create some alternative tag (similar to the bold tag) that you could use to show your edits in red or something ?